Chapter16- Save yourself

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How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone,
All my doubt suddenly goes away



He had his eyes so trained intently on the book like it was some kind of life saving procedure.  A pair of clark kents nerdy glasses rested fashionably on his face, framing his looks to look more handsome- like a handsome nerdy type of guy. His lips were pursed in total concentration while his eyes skimmed the lines of each page in interest, his fingers scribbling continuously on the rough book

Typical Seun

"Volumetric analysis! " a familiar alto honeyed tone disrupted his attention

"Seriously dude do you ever read things asides chemistry,gravitational waves and neutrons?"

He raised his face away from the book, adjusting his glasses to meet the slender girl looking at him incredulously, a  the coners of her lips twitched into what could be called a s smile as she stood beside his table, peering into his book

"Hey seatie"

She arched her brows at him in confusion, "seatie?"

"Like seatmate..." he explained goofily to Yara rolled her eyes at Seun's bemused expression, walking past him to settle on her chair. Seun assessed her every move, her every step even her unperturbed demeanour.

 Of course she was going to be unperturbed afterall, he was the one at the receiving end when she missed school for a full day straight and had the trio - George, who he remembered that day from the cafeteria,  Sarah- the girl who was jovial yet had almost murdered him on the first day of resumption with her whining when he stepped on her toes. Accidentally.  And Toby- the calm, free spirited guy with the tired eyes trying to keep his cool.

Ever since Wednesday, they had continuously  interrogated him on Yara's absence especially the one time he had just finished biology practicals in the lab and Sir Albert  made him stay back to help arrange the lab when the guys barged in with worry filled faces

"Hey! Sean  right?" George called quite doubtful of getting his name correctly

"It's Seun" Sarah corrected

"Right.  Seun, have you seen Yara Williams?" George asked

He shook his head negatively "no"

"Do you know where she might be?"


"Dude you're supposed to be her seatmate. How come you know nothing about her whereabouts? " George snapped  exasperatedly

"George you've got to calm down! "  sarah said softly trying her best to keep her tone leveled.  Seeing her bestfriend and George get so worried about Yara ruffled her nerves though,  asides sentiments this is a typical Yara's character we're talking about and this was something Toby wasn't used to because he didn't start junior high in Bluebell

" It's not so surprising to hear that seun  knows  nada about her whereabouts. Besides, it's a classic Yara's move to possibly ditch school and not give two fucks about who cares" Sarah reasoned, darting her eyes at the guys hoping they got the point.

Toby groaned, rubbing his palms against his temples "and you ?"

"Me?!" She thumped her palms on her chest
"No. I mean George. " he clarified, fixing the latter a tired look  "you guys were supposed to have some sort of piano lessons right? On Tuesday precisely"

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