Chapter 27- Relief surges

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ain't just prayin' for no reason
I give thanks for the days, for the hours
And another way, another life breathin'



Stale smell of drugs, disinfectants and illness-this was what the hospital smelt like. Horrible. like death.

And he didn't feel scared

Nurses on scrubs and doctors with their coats and sthestcope hanging on their neck filled the hallway, walking frantically about. There was the emergency whirling sound causing everyone else to instinctively clear the way for a stretcher carrying an almost dying woman into an emergency ward.

The hospital was vast. And the oncologist department was like a vast world of it's own with different wards having different individuals. Some had a bunch of kids smiling at a board and a lady who had a book that looked like a children story sat in their midst also talking and smiling while, another ward had grown-ups all circled around, sitting and talking and laughing at intervals. The support group for cancerous patients...he was never interested in attending

Toby took long strides through the hallway, it wasn't the long soberly strides he usually did whenever he walked on this particular hallway, this time, his feets seemed to have more strength...maybe it was because he couldn't wait to get away from the hospital, he greeted a few nurses with a smile on his way back from the chemo

The nurses had smiled back-they always smiled warmly at him, it was quite hard to tell what their smiling signified: perharps he was dying soon and they're glad to have known him or maybe, he shouldn't feel so sad afterall, we all gonna die someday or maybe he was getting better and they can't wait to not see him again, besides, they may be tired of his presence and they needed new handsome faces which will flirt less with a smile at them (like he usually did. Like he was doing now)

He pushed open doctor Lewis office, the cool air from the panasonic air condition accompanying a faint smell of citrus greeted him. The usual stack of toys were hurdled together by the side of the office and doctor Lewis in usual white coat draped over his black trousers and tee, thumped intensely on his laptop. his clark kents glasses hung on the bridge of his nose.

He looked quite fashionable

"Hey doc!" He greeted

Lewis raised his face up, a huge grin spread widely around his face "Toby! So good to see look good "


"Yeah." Lewis affirmed "you look brighter than the last time you came here, I must say it's a good sign" Lewis said with a sincere cheery tone

"Really? I thought I was was gonna be looking more like a sketch of myself..." he replied and Lewis laughed

"Let's say a happier sketchy self " lewis teased and Toby laughed

"So." He called out sharply, averting Toby's full attention to him

"How was today? How do you feel lately- I mean I know you look happier but I'm just asking 'bout your you feel pains in your joints and how's the fever?"

Doctor Lewis asked, taking a notepad and a pen ready to jot down whatever it was Toby was going to report

"Lately I haven't felt any pain...I mean, I did. But they weren't extreme. I feel alot dizzy and a bit's like I'm feeling my whole body crumble inside of me" Toby reported

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