chapter 24- Ethereal

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Dance with me under the diamonds
See me as breath in the cold




That was what was engraven on the  brown brick wall of the  big eatery  towering over them.  The building looked like some vintage store with a thick glass door that just required a little forceful pushing before one could get in.

The lights inside the eatery were still on signifying that the owner wasn't closed for the day. Few cars sped past them on the road and across the eatery were night marketers and some Individuals footing their destination.

"Umm... so this is it?" Yara asked looking over at the building with an  uncertain gaze, her helmet was still hung over her head

"Apparently" Toby replied, dismounting from the BMW while he pulled off the helmet over his'

"This is like a tea shop"

"Actually it's more than just a tea shop"

"I wouldn't know" she shrugged as he took her hands in his before making their way to the door of the restaurant

She stared at both their hands holding each other, feeling her whole body heat up as they both walked into the vintage like building of the so said eatery or tea shop

There was no one inside. Yara slowly pulled the helmet off her head, using her other hand to run through her hair as she  took a quick glance at the shop, dim lights illuminated the whole place and a huge  poster which read MOURNING TEA hung on the wall.  Her face paled.

"This place looks like a hunted store. You sure it's really we're at the right place?" She gripped his palms tightly, giving a once-over at his calm expression

"Relax Teqs. I'm not out to kill you" he said with a small chuckle, going over to ring a bell that was placed by the side of the door

"I never know if you want to, just don't smoulder me in here, I don't want me coming back as some vengeful ghost" she snorted out, her voice stringing along a certain courage

He stared at her in disbelief, amusement twinkling in his eyes as he tried to stifle his laughter

"God!  Teqs tell me you're not serious right now? "

"What?" She shrugged, then added with her index fingers up,  "one more thing is, you don't write 'Teqs' on my gravestone as much as I don't mind,  it's gonna be abit absurd to think I was a drunk" she finished up with a serious look etched on her face

This time, he roared into a boisterous laughter, holding his lower abdomen. How did she even make jokes like this with a straight face?

"Teqs I'm not killing you, c'mon. You're having crazy thoughts " he said in a sobered up tone

"No apologies but I don't know what else to think especially when I don't know this..." she looked over the enclosed walls again, coming in contact with the poster as she fake shuddered

"Hunted house"

Toby laced his hands in hers, lifting her hands to his lips to place a light kiss on it

"Trust me, you're safe" he mumbled audibly

She swallowed a lump, her body literally freezing on the spot, the only words she could hear was him muttering something about her being safe with him

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