"Here let me help you." She helps me sit on the chair and get dressed.

"I don't know if you're ready to talk yet, but just know that I'm here for you. And always will be. I'm sorry I couldn't stay here all night because of-"

"Wait what? You weren't here?"

"Yeah, I had to do something really quick, and you were in deep sleep, so I didn't want to wake you."

"What? But Devyn was just here and she had told me you had left an hour ago in the morning."

"No Devyn was the one who stayed here all night with you. She insisted. She kicked me and Sierra out, told us to go home and rest, and girl I was so tired after that party." My thoughts were all over the place. Now I felt bad for being so rude to her. But then again, she didn't even care, there was probably some type of benefit for her in all of this. She's the one who said we weren't friends, nor does she ever act like one.

"You know the two us don't get along, why would you leave her with me?" She looked a little shocked when I said that.

"I don't know. I kind of like her. She's a real badass."

"Did you hit your head?"

"No, but I think you might have. That's why you don't remember."

"Remember what?"

"Devyn found us in the bathroom. You were drunk and bleeding like crazy. She saw you and went all 'I'll kill him' mode. So she walked downstairs grabbed this glass vase thing, and BAM! Smacked it onto Jacob. And then BOOM! Jacob was on the floor. Devyn 1, Jacob 0. What were you doing with him anyways?" I finished tying my shoes and had changed into the clothes Isabella brought me. We started to walk out through the exit.

"I don't know. I was feeling so alone. Ashton left. I think he has some thing with Devyn, I don't know. So I took some booze and found a room upstairs to be with myself, and I think I kinda knocked out? When I woke up I saw Jacob was right in front of me. And he grabbed my arms and pinned me down. I was scared and helpless because I drank too much-"


"Oh damn, I didn't know."

"So what happened to your wrist?"

"I- I don't know."

"You sure? You had us all scared to death."

"I probably hit it on something."


"It's all good now though, I'm glad it's over. That was a crazy night."

"Yeah it was. Did Ashton come by?"

"I don't think so."

"Ugh guys suck."

"They really do."

Isabella drove us back to our dorm and when we got there, I fell onto my bed, realizing how much I had missed it.

"So why did Devyn leave all of a sudden?" I felt a pinch of guilt.

"Beats me."

"I think she's not that bad after all. People call her a bitch, just because she's intimidating. She's actually a softie."

"God, do you have a crush on her or something? You've been talking about her so much." I give her an exaggerated eye roll.

"Crush? No. But she is hot. Have you seen her abs? Damn. All I was getting at, was that she was really nice to us yesterday."

"Maybe she was too drunk to notice who she was helping."

"You are hopeless. Do you want coffee? I'm about to go get some."

"Yes, please." She walks out of the room faster than light. I get up and decide to look through my belongings bag from the hospital. Reaching in, I pulled out my black dress, it was rumpled and was darker in some areas. It was probably because of the blood. I reach in again, and this time I pull out a black blazer. I didn't remember wearing this.

"You might want to clean that and return it to Devyn." Isabella walks in with two cups.


"Yeah. You were cold, so she leant you it." Suddenly I get a flashback from yesterday. Devyn carrying me towards her car and putting the blazer over my shoulders.

"Yeah I guess I will. By the way thanks for paying, I'll get you the money back-"

"What money?"

"For the hospital bill..." I stop my sentence because I know who paid.


"Oh, for god's sake." I storm out of the room.

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