1 Meet Cerin (intro)

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NOTE: This story will contain boyxboy! There will be a warning on chapters that contain any mature content.



"Good morning." comes from the little half dressed creature leaning over me. It's already ten. We stayed up late last night. The room is dim and I stretch my hands out above my head and I feel a cold cheek snuggle up under my chin. Most mornings are like this, Cerin wakes up early and waits for me. Then he drags me out of bed to make him breakfast. He's always hungry and thankfully isn't a picky eater. My thoughts are interrupted by something fuzzy brushing against my nose.
"Get your tail off my face." I say, swatting at Cerin's furry black tail. His lips curl up in a grin and then long, skinny fingers start poking at my exposed ribs. "Alright! Alright! I'm getting up!" I scream pushing back laughter.

My mornings haven't always been like this. I'd wake up at eight every morning. The alarm clock would ring and then I'd slowly drag myself out from underneath the covers. A quick run through the bathroom and then I'd grab a cup of coffee and head out the door. I'm the head editor of a popular fashion magazine. Thrilling, I know. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, it's just the people I work with that I can't stand. But that was my life. On the weekends I was just like any other young single man. I'd hang out with friends, play video games, and stay out late. Before this whole incident I was even considering settling down. You know, finding a nice partner to be with. It's not like I couldn't get someone if I really wanted to. I've always thought that I was fairly attractive. I've got golden brown hair that I keep neatly cut around my ears and dark green eyes. I have a rather structured face and I try to work out in my free time. I'd say I'm five feet and eleven inches of attractive! Okay, so that might be a little vain, but hey, that's what I look like.

Like I was saying, that's what everything was like until the incident. It was late on a Friday night many months ago. I'd been drinking, but not a lot. I was still well aware of my surroundings. I was sitting on the floor of my condo browsing the internet like I always do when I'm bored. All of the sudden the power went out. I thought nothing of it. A few minutes later the light flickered back on and I went back to browsing. Then I heard the worst sound you could possibly imagine. There was a thump like something hit the side of the building. Then there was an inhuman growl and it turned into a screech. I jumped to my feet ready to run to the window to see what was going on outside when I saw a black mass fall from above. It looked like a body, but I lived on the fifteenth floor! Being a little drunk and not using any common sense, I threw on some shoes and ran out the door with my tie hanging loosely around my neck and my white button up undone at the top. Luckily, since it was so late, there was no one else out and about in the building. I got in the elevator and went to the ground floor. Moments after stepping from the elevator the lights flicked off again. Another black mass rushed passed the glass door at the entrance and I heard more inhuman noises. Now, I don't frighten easily, but at this point I was terrified. Gathering all of my courage I pulled myself together and went through the door. Nothing was unusual. It was the same city view I was use to except it was dark. There weren't any lights on in any of the surrounding buildings or shops. I pulled out my cell phone to guide me. I walked to the edge of the building, cautiously. I didn't see anything, but then I felt something. My hand brushed against the wall and it was wet and I could tell it wasn't water. I shined my phone on it and saw that it was blood smeared all over the wall. I panicked a little at that point. I thought that someone could be hurt somewhere and I began to shout into the dark. I ran over to the alleyway between the building and the next and continued shouting. Then I heard it again, the screeching. It was a cry of pain, I could tell. I shined the light in front of my and something hit me, knocking me off my feet. It flew up and disappeared before I could look at it. I just laid there, stunned. Then there was another screech, this time much quieter. I looked around, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the dark. Then I saw what looked like a small black blob curled up on the hard ground beside a dumpster. Without thinking, I ran to it. It was a human! I scooped it up immediately. I ran to pick up my phone so I could call 911 and saw that it had been smashed into pieces when I fell. Unsure of what to do and fearing for this small bundle in my arms I ran back inside. The electricity had come back on, but all of the lights began flickering when I walked in. Praying that the elevator still worked I pressed the button and waited for it to open. When it did I let out a sigh of relief. I took the bundle inside and laid it down on my couch. The lights flickered for a moment more before stopping.

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