001 pandemonium

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Fox had been arrested for stealing rations coincidentally the same day Dakota had been apprehended for her own crime. Stealing- or any sort of illegal activity- was way out of her comfort zone, but she had mustered up the courage to do so in order to try and fit in with a group. Her plan- obviously- had miserably failed, leaving the shy and timid girl trapped in a metal box. Thankfully, she was alongside Dakota; who was probably the best person someone as timorous as Fox could have ended up with, since the Thompson girl was a highly empathetic individual. The two thoroughly enjoyed each other's presence, having developed a sibling-like relationship during their shared time of imprisonment.


"What do you think-" she never got to finish her sentence, getting cut short by the familiar sound of the painfully loud alarm that buzzed through their cell; alerting them that guards were entering.

Dakota scrambled up to her feet as the hefty door was pushed open, a few of her joints cracking in the process as Fox leapt hurriedly from the bed. Confused as to why two armed guards were sauntering inside her room, Dakota knitted her brows; the same stone-cold looks plastered on their faces like always.

"Prisoners 347 and 348, face the wall." one of the men's dark voices sternly commanded them; not a hint of emotion behind it.

Dakota did as she was told, abandoning her science book on the floor and moving over to the opposite side of the room; her mind promptly racing as Fox joined her side, sheepishly intertwining her fingers with Dakota's.

Her birthday was not for another six and a half days; her final shower should've been a week ago now that she was preparing to turn eighteen. Had her calculations somehow been off? Had the prison finally won and gotten her to lose track of time?

"Hold out your right arms."

Dakota peered over her shoulder, viewing as they pulled a clunky, metal, handcuff-looking item from a fancy case; a cluster of minuscule needles visible on the inside once they had snapped it open, very obviously preparing to attach it to her wrist.

"What is that?" Dakota questioned with an innocent curiosity, her words laced with interest.

The two men suddenly began to manhandle her, easily overpowering the short girl as she tried to escape their vastly tighter grips; finding it absolutely no use. She hissed as the needles sunk into her skin, her right arm slightly heavier-feeling with the device now securely affixed to her; still fighting helplessly against them. Her eyes widened when she was drug out onto the balcony by the two tall guards, seeing that this was happening to every other prisoner in the Sky Box; the clamor and protests reaching a deafening roar amidst the overwhelming chaos.

She shot her head over her shoulder, realizing she had somehow been separated from Fox in the havoc; the thin brunette already out of her sight.

"Fox?!? Fox!" she begged, both of her arms pinned by the two men holding onto her; stumbling over her own two feet as they unintentionally slung her about as they walked, roughly hauling her along.

"Are they letting us go?!" she inquired hopefully, looking back and forth between the two expressionless faces by her side; ever the optimist.

"What are we gonna-" she was cut off when they abruptly came to a halt, unhesitatingly jerking the girl's head back and penetrating the side of her neck with a tiny needle; Dakota gasping in both surprise and at the brief infliction of minor pain.

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