15. My new personal 'escort'

Start from the beginning

"I'll miss you so much too Lou." And in this moment, I was being honest. I will miss her, my best friend. I'll miss her so much, that ignoring my feelings and emotions will be the only thing to make me not want to cry an ocean and grief. I might not have remembered much of our time spent together, but I didn't forget how she made me feel.

"Clark, no matter what happens. I want you to know that I really do love you." She whispered in my ear as we were hugging. She pulled away.

I frowned, "what do you mean? Lou we'll stay friends. I promise. You don't have to-" I started rambling, thinking that I will forget her, my best friend, my sister. I will never forget Lou, nor will I ever wish I never knew her. Yes, I'll miss her, but I will always be her friend, and I. Wanted her to know just that. That not because We are thousands of miles away from each other means I will ever forget her.

"That's not what I meant." She cut me off, "I just want you to know that you really are my best friend, Clark. okay? And that I wouldn't deny or forget that for the world." She was serious, her tone. I frowned slightly, then I nodded quickly.

"Of course I know." I smiled. "I'll see you soon." I said. She looked at me, after she picked up her bag from the floor.

She smiled, "sooner than you think."

"Come on, honey. We are leaving." Her mum called on her. Then the rest of the family came over to me and said their goodbyes to me, and then they headed to the gate, gave the lady on the gate their plane tickets and passports. They passed the gates, and Lou looked at me, giving me one last smile, that I reluctantly returned. They started walking until they were only a single blotch of memory in my head. She officially left.

I sighed. Nothing.

I turned around, thinking of how I am going to get home from the airport, and just as if on cue my phone buzzed from its place in my pocket. I took it out and slid my finger across the screen to open my iPhone. I had a text from Scott. I wrinkled my eyebrows as I opened the text.

From: Scott.
outside airport waiting 4 u. hurry.

I rolled my eyes at his lazy excuse of a text. Typical. I slid my phone back into my pocket and headed to the gates that lead outside of the airport. As soon as i exited the airport i was met with a gush of wind because of the unneeded air conditioners right above the entrance that felt meaningless to me and everyone else basically. I always felt that they put these up their so people leaving and entering the place would feel like models doing so. It was simply stupid, just as my excuse was.

I looked around for the familiar car of my brother. After a couple of minutes of turning around my own tail, looking like a stupid person, I spotted Scott leaning on the hood of the car, with his nose buried in his phone. I sped walked over to him, and as soon as I was next it him, I smacked him on his shoulder. He jumped up, and dropped his phone on the ground, letting out a couple of profanities as he looked around frantically and picked his phone up.

"What the hell was that for?" He exclaimed his question, "I almost broke my phone." He reasoned with me.

I rose my eyebrows, "if it would stop you from texting like a 'cool person wannabe', I wouldn't mind if it did." I walked around the car and opened the door to the passengers seat and slid into the car, waiting for my brother to get inside so we could head home. "I am getting older." I told him from the rolled down window on his side of the car, rolling my eyes.

He opened the door, and got inside, sighing as he did so. "Hello to you too." He mocked, as he started the car and headed out of the parking lot. He the. Eyed me for a second before looking on the road again. When we were out of the parking area and on the road he eyed me again carefully. I rolled my eyes at his stupid, sneaky action. I sighed loudly so he could catch on the fact that I could see him. "Fine, I'll ask. Are you okay? You know- with Lou leaving and stuff." He asked.

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