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Y/n smiled towards the students that were passing by her, keeping a bright and easy going look on her face as to not make those think that she's a strict teacher. "Good morning, miss." One of the students spoke, they donned their books and the bag they used for school.

Y/n smiled towards them and waved her hands, "Good morning!" She walked towards her destination, the college building.

Clutching the paper for the quiz and her own bag, she steadily made her way towards a new territory, college students.

As soon as she took a step towards their building, nervousness seeped into her veins. She wasn't really a people person, nor does she do well in speaking to strangers, but a job is a job.

Letting a shaky exhale out, she turned the door knob and entered the room which housed Namjoon's students.

The chatty room became quiet upon the sight of a new face entering their room, some of them knew who she was, some don't, and some obviously didn't care.

Y/n came to the front and smiled, setting the pile of papers down the table. "Good morning, Mr. Kim cannot be here today because of health reasons so I will be taking his place." Y/n mentally congratulated herself for not stuttering or managing to bite her tongue which was what she did when she first knew her students.

She smiled towards the silent bunch and passed the papers towards the front row, "I'm Miss. Y/n, for those who don't know me. Anyway, Mr. Kim told me that you guys will be having a test, so the front guys pass the papers once they have gotten theirs. Any questions?" It was safe to say that bit by bit nervousness was eating her up like a sinkhole pulling her deep into the unmeasurable abyss.

A boy suddenly shot his hand up and the two boys behind him were attempting to bring it down. "Yes?" Y/n pointed towards the boy and he proudly stood up, smirked and in a loud, and perhaps in the most cocky voice ever said,

"Miss, what are you made out of?" He asked, a smile breaking out of his lips. Y/n laughed at the question thrown at her, of all things to ask he decided to go for that.

She shook her head in disapproval and laughed. The whole class looked shock at what he said, some where making noises, some where cheering for him and others mainly looked confused or weirded out.

"Cause you are wife material."

Cheers erupted from the crowd, "Get 'em, Jeon!" One of the students shouted. Y/n could only laugh at the boy attempting to flirt with her, she shook her head and placed her hand on her hips.

"I'm gonna have to pass on that." Y/n's smile made her rejection feel less of a rejection but a 'nice try' kind of situation. The boy named Jeon snapped his fingers and smiled towards the her, making a finger heart and sending a very flirtatious wink.

"You're cute miss, but being Jeon Y/n would be cuter." the college student added before sending Y/n a blast of finger hearts and winks. She could only laugh and dismiss his antics.

Y/n gestured for him to take a seat to which he did with a smile and a dazed look, the people surrounding him were either laughing at him or cheering him on, sometimes, both.

She clapped her hands, managing to earn the attention of the class. There, she announced that the quiz will be starting now and they have until the end of the class to submit their works.


Y/n smiled at the students who were rushing to pass their papers to her, she accepted them and neatly fixed them all in one pile.

A paper that boldly states the name, Jeon Jungkook, was forcefully shoved in her face. The hand the held the paper soon placed it on the pile and his face came into clear view.

The smug smile that came to his face whenever he looks at Y/n would always go into a softer smile, indicating the mood changes in his body. "Um..." He started, itching the back of his head.

His friends that surrounded them noticed his head that nudged towards the door. "Oh, we'll be going ahead now, Kook." The short boy said and forcefully dragged their other friends by the hem of their clothes outside the door.

"See you in a bit, Jimin." Jungkook smiled, waving his hand at the group of friends before whipping his head towards Y/n's eyes.

She grabbed her bags and labeled the stack of paper as Namjoon's so she could leave them at his desk. She smiled towards Jimin and got ready to head for the door.

The college student immediately grabbed her hand on impulse, making Y/n stop in her tracks. The deepening blush that appeared on the college boys face got worse when she spun around to meet him with those beautiful eyes that captivated him.

"Yes, Mr. Jeon?" That simple sentence sent multiple butterflies loose in his stomach. The clever pick up line he thought off for the whole class instead of properly answering his quiz all went down the drain when nervousness and the rapid beating of his heart took over his mind.

"I... Uh... I..." He stumbled on his words, feeling speechless about this whole situation. He has never felt this way his entire life. A play boy that suddenly got tongue tied by a teacher? Jeon Jungkook having nothing to say? The beating of his heart was so loud it sounds like it came from his ears rather than coming from his pulsating organ.

"Miss. Y/n..." He started, looking deep in your eyes as he swallowed a dry saliva down his throat. To hell with it, he has never felt this way to anyone before and he needed to get it out of his chest now.

"I think I like you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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