Chapter 18 Labor Pains

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*Ruby Andria - Age 15, 2543*

Ruby: She what?!

Jason: That's what I said!

The two were at a restaurant waiting for their food to arrive.

Ruby: Of all the things Rachel could've done, she joins the freaking military?!

Jason: It was so random too. She just straight up told me she was enlisting and then left.

Ruby: She's still on world, right?

Jason: Yeah. I just hope she doesn't actually have to leave Earth. *sighs*

Ruby: God, this war is so annoying.

Jason: Again, I just hope she doesn't actually have to fight the- what're they called again?

Ruby: The Covenant. *whispers* Kind of hard to forget when they invade your home planet.

Jason: God, I'd rather have her fight those stupid Insurrectionists.

Ruby: I'm just worried about her in general. What brought this on?

Jason: Okay, I know as her brother, I should know, but she's been weirdly distant lately.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Jason: I mean she literally hasn't been home until late.

Ruby: Late training?

Jason: Don't know, probably. Oh, food's here.

Now eating, the girl continued the conversation.

Ruby: How late is she?

Jason: It's either eleven at night or one in the morning. One or the other, no in-between.

Ruby: You're kidding.

Jason: I wish I was, it's worrying. She's always in a bad mood, always tired.

Ruby: How long has this been going on?

Jason: A month.

Ruby: And you're telling me this now?

Jason: Hey, I just thought she was busy at first.

Ruby: *sighs* Who's been taking care of you?

Jason: I'm fifteen, I can take care of myself.

Ruby: But you shouldn't have to.

Jason: Why not? You did.

Ruby: And that's because I had no one to take care of me. You have a father and an ADULT older sister.

The boy had no argument for that.

Ruby: *sighs* What time does she get home?

Jason: You don't need to confront her, I can-

Ruby: I'm doing it and that's final. . . .

The two shared a few moments of silence. . .

Ruby: *groans* I'm sorry, this was supposed to be a date.

Jason: It's okay. . . I get where you're coming from. If you want to talk to her, you heard the times.

Ruby: Got it. . . And Jason?

Jason: Yes?

Ruby: Next time something this big comes up, you better tell me.

She reached forward and grabbed his hand.

Jason: . . . Of course.

His hand tightly held hers. . . .

*A Few Hours Later*

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