Chapter 16 Hell's Angel

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*Ruby (_) - Age 14, 2542*

Ruby was on her way out of school, now in the eighth grade. On the way, she decided to stop buy a mall.

Ruby: Now. . . What should I get him?

She browsed through a clothes store first, not really finding anything her friend would want to wear. To make matters worse. . . she couldn't exactly afford much. Leaving the store with sigh and moved to the next store. It was a shoe store, and after one look from the entrance she moved on. The next place was an antique store.

Ruby: Oh, he loves old stuff!

She entered and began looking around for anything of interest. The girl made four rounds through the whole store and realized there was quite literally nothing there that was THAT old. She suddenly remembered that she lived in the twenty-sixth century, the antiques would not be from the era she was expecting. A sigh left her mouth as she exited the store.

Ruby: This is going to be a long day. . .

She ended up searching most of the mall and finding absolutely nothing that she deemed present worthy.

Ruby: *groans* Why is buying a gift so annoyingly difficult?!

She received a call.

Ruby: Hello?

Jason: You do know you're two hours late, right?

Ruby: . . . . . Crap.

Jason: *sighs* Where are you?

Ruby: I-I was sh-shopping!

Jason: You hate shopping.

Ruby: Sh-Shut up! I'm on my way!

She hung up and began heading towards the alley. On the way she past quite a few shops, not really noticing much until her eyes landed on a game store. A smile appeared on her lips. . . Within a minute, she had what she needed.

Ruby: Thank god these things aren't as expensive as they used to be.

*At the Alley*

Jason watched the time in his phone as he awaited.

Jason: Geez, what's taking her so long?

And he heard a soft click.

Jason: Oh, that's why. Hello R- OW!

Ruby: After doing this so many times, I'd expect you to get the idea. Don't move.

Once the dart guns began having no effect on Jason, she started using a BB Gun, much to his chagrin. She placed a shot into the chamber and kept her finger on the trigger.

Ruby: I want you do exactly as I say. First, put your hands out with palms face up.

He did so in an instant.

Ruby: Now, eyes closed.

He shut them tight and he heard the sound of footsteps. Something rectangular was placed on his palms.

Ruby: Okay, now open your eyes. . .

Jason Church's emerald green eyes opened and met Ruby's scarlet red. . . In his hands was a GameBoy Advance.

Jason: Uh. . . Th-Thanks.

The girl had a very notable blush across her cheeks.

Ruby: Do you. . . uh, know what today is?

Jason held his breath as his mind searched for every possible answer to that question and coming up blank.

Jason: Uhhh. . . Um. . .

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season NineWhere stories live. Discover now