Chapter 13 Planning the Heist

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The Director of Project Freelancer stood in the command deck.

Alpha: Well, okay so I just ran everything again, all calculations are up to date, taking into account standard delays for communication and response time. Our window looks good!

Director: I agree.

Alpha: Well, you should. I'm sure you'd make the same calculations I did, just. . . you know, more slowly.

Director: Arrogance, is a rather unbecoming trait, Alpha.

Alpha: Are you seriously giving me a lecture on arrogance right now? Pbt. Heads up, you got a visitor.

Agent North Carolina had arrived.

Carolina: Director.

Director: Log off.

Alpha: Yeah yeah, way ahead of you bud.

The Director turned.

Director: Yes, Agent North Carolina.

Carolina: The team is ready sir.

Director: Excellent.

Agents North Dakota, Connecticut, Wyoming, Maine, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, Florida, Hawaii, 479er and the Counselor stood around a large table.

Director: Agents, your missions today is by far the most important you've undertaken to date. As our number one, Carolina will be leading from the field.

The table began projecting a city, focusing on a massive tower.

Carolina: Okay, here's what we have. As you have heard, there is suspected insurrection activity in this area. Our intel says that members of the UNSC loyal to the insurrection, have acquired a high level asset and are holding it in this secure location. It's a hundred and ten story building in the middle of an urban environment.

Wyoming: What does security look like?

Carolina: They have enough troops to fill a hundred-ten story building.

Wyoming: So. . . that's a lot of security.

Carolina: We're up to it.

A red line showed their path and a dot showed their destination.

Carolina: Our job is to infiltrate the building, work our way up to the floor where the Sarcophagus is being held and secure it.

North: The Sarcophagus?

Director: That is what we are calling the primary objective.

Carolina: But, since this is a high level asset, we need to access the key code to open the Sarcophagus.

Washington: I'm guessing they don't keep that taped to the side.

Jason nudged his side and gave him a 'really' expression.

Carolina: It's held by an official of the program, who will be moving in a vehicle along the freeway between inspection.

Said freeway appeared on the hologram and the vehicle was highlighted in red.

Carolina: That's when we'll hit the facility. We need to acquire both targets within minutes of each other. If we fail that, the remaining target will enter lockdown and we miss our window.

Director: We will not have another chance at this.

Jason: So we're splitting up? Two teams?

Carolina: Two teams. Team A will consist of me, Wash, S.C. and Maine.

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