Chapter 10 Introductions

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North: Hey Wash, wait ups

He and Agent Washington rounded a corner, walking through the halls of the Mother of Intervention.

North: Listen, I heard you had a meeting with internals.

Washington: Oh, you did?

North: Yeah, do you mind if I ask what it was about?

Washington: Hm, not really supposed to talk about that.

?: Hi.

North: Woah!

Washington: Jesus!

The crimson freelanced had snuck up on them.

Hawaii: Hello boys. Anything interesting?

North: I was askin' before you got here.

Hawaii: Then by all means, continue.

North: Right. Come on Wash, help me out here. I'm still getting heat about using equipment in the field.

Hawaii/Washington: You did?

The three came to a pause.

Washington: Without a pipeline back to the command server?

North: I had to improvise, we had a problem. Speaking of, you're right about explosions being a pain.

Hawaii: Ha! I'm not the only one!

Washington: Tell that to Maine.

Hawaii: *shivers* I'd rather not.

The three kept walking.

Washington: Anyways, equipment in the field, don't forget what happened to Utah during training, you're lucky it didn't kill you.

Hawaii: Screw that, don't forget what happened to me!

The two boys laughed.

Hawaii: It's not funny!

North: You tased yourself.

Hawaii: Hey, I didn't choose shock punch. They just decided to give it to a medic of all people!

Washington: Now that you mention, that is pretty weird. Anyways, you can relax, North. Internals didn't ask about you, it was something else.

A few soldiers ran past them.

Washington: Lots of questions about the insurrection and transmissions coming out of our-

A soldier accidentally bumped into the black and yellow freelancer.

Soldier: Oh, sorry sir.

Hawaii: Hey, what's going on?

North: Where's everyone heading?

Soldier: New agent, squaring off against Maine, Wyoming, and York on the training room floor. We're goin' to watch. Hey guys, wait up!

The soldier ran off as the crimson freelancer began beaming with excitement!

Hawaii: Oh, the newbie has to be crazy skilled!

Washington: Three on one? Heh, I gotta see this!

North: Yeah, right behind ya two.

The three soon arrived in the observation deck of the training room, watching the battle begin.

FILSS: Three. . . Two. . . One. . . Begin.

Agents Wyoming, York, and Maine charged forward, wielding pugil sticks, only to be blown back by a single swing from Agent Texas! Most of the freelancers looked at her in awe.

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