Chapter 12 Mid-Game Substitution

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*Ruby (_) - Age 11, 2539*

Ruby: Okay, it's been two years! You cannot not tell me now!

Rachel: We are not having this discussion, Ruby.

Ruby: Come on, please Rachel!

The elder of the two was now sixteen. The two were in Rachel's room, Ruby being invited over by Jason, who was down in his room at the moment.

Rachel: No.

Ruby: I'm mature enough though!

Rachel: You're even more immature than Jason.

Ruby: Just tell me what a dumb crush is! Every time I ask Jason he just turns red and looks away!

Rachel: *sighs* Can't you ask your other friends? Anyone at school?

Ruby: *laughs nervously* Funny story. . . Jason is kind of my only friend.

Rachel: . . . . . .

Ruby: What? He's the only friend I need!

Rachel: You're hopeless.

Ruby: *sticks her tongue out*

Rachel: Are you trying to convince me that you're mature or not?

Ruby: *sighs* Just tell me what it is so I don't have to keep asking.

Rachel: At least I'm not giving her the talk. . . I really hope she someone in her life to do that. . . God dang it, doing it another time! Fine, I'll tell you what a dumb crush is. If you need to know anything else, wait two more years.

Ruby: Got it!

Rachel: Okay, listen up. I'll only explain this once.

The younger girl nodded and listened intently.

Rachel: . . . . . . It's when you like someone more than normal.

Ruby: . . . . Seriously? Is that it? Why was that so hard for you to say?

Rachel: That's the simple version, idiot.

Ruby: Well, you should've said that! Give me the version that isn't lazy!

Rachel: I'm getting there!

Ruby: Hurry it up!

Rachel: Shut up so I can talk then!

Ruby huffed and crossed her arms and Rachel continued.

Rachel: *sighs* A crush is when you like someone more than normal. . . like. . . Uh, like more than a friend. . . You know what, screw it! If you have a crush it means you want that person to be your boyfriend.

Ruby: . . . . . . I heard that right, right?

Rachel: I said I'd only explain it once.

Ruby: Y-You said boyfriend!

Every fiber of her being began turning redder than her eyes!

Ruby: Th-That's- Huh- What?! WHAT?!?!?!?

Rachel: Geez, you don't even have a crush and you're freaking out.

The redhead's breath hitched as her eyes widened.

Rachel: Holy crap, she had a crush and didn't even know what a crush was, didn't she?

She looked back to see that the poor girl's mind had overloaded. Ruby's eyes went blank as she fainted.

Rachel: *sighs* Kids these days. . .

*Many Years Later - Project Freelancer*

The Freelancers were in the Mother of Intervention's mess hall. Usually, Jason and Hawaii stuck together and sat with Washington or Carolina. However, with York being injured, Agent South Carolina volunteered to keep an eye on his condition for the team. Wash ended up sitting with North whilst Carolina simply sat alone. Hawaii was about to approach her, but quickly realized that the cyan freelancer was not exactly in the best mood. And so, Hawaii looked elsewhere. She saw South, about to head there, but her crimson eyes spotted another freelancer sitting on their own. . . Walking forward, she reached the lone soldier and placed her tray down before removing her helmet and placing it on the table with just enough force to catch Agent Texas's attention.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season NineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz