Chapter 1 Origin

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(A/N- Again, another warning. This will be very different from the actual season nine. If that's not for you, this is your warning.)

Ruby: Hey, my name is Ruby. . . Uh, haven't remembered my last name yet. I have a few different names, Ruby, Ru, Agent Hawaii. . . and Rubes. . . but we don't talk about that last one. Haven't been called it in a while, which is good! So uh, Allison thought it'd be a good idea if I started keeping a journal to document my memory recollection progress. It's also just in case my memories decide to leave me again. Heh, Zeta was pretty adamant that I mention that last bit. It's kind of painful, but I'm hanging in there. I have all my friends by my side after all. . . Anyways, I guess I should start at the beginning. . . of what they've helped me remember at least. I'm twenty-five right now. . . so I guess this memory takes place twenty-one years ago. . . .

*Ruby (_) - Age 4, 2532*

Seven years, for seven long years. . . the Human-Covenant War raged on and only grew in intensity, the war's end nowhere in sight. Billions had perished to the onslaught of the combined alien races, billions more injured, billions more left to die. . . amongst the abandoned was a four year old girl with raven colored hair, and scarlet red eyes. . . The Covenant showed no mercy to the world of Eridanus II, glassing it with no hesitation and rendering Ruby an orphan and homeless since the age of two. Her time on Earth was spent learning how to survive in a world where chaos was rampant, panic had set in, and fear had spread. . . Food was already scarce, the main populace already having to ration, making things even worse for the girl. Not to mention, purchasing anything of any cost was difficult for a four year old. who lacked the ability to read, write, and barely had the strength to keep herself on her feet everyday. To make matters worse. . . she wasn't the only one suffering. . . she wasn't the only one trying to survive, and as a little girl. . . anyone could simply pass by and take what they wanted should they want it. . . and she'd be powerless to do anything. . . . Most committed theft to whatever she did manage to find if she didn't use in time. . . until someone didn't.

?: Ah!

A boy was attempting to move through an alleyway, taking a shortcut home, only to trip and fall. His black hair was dirtied and his green eyes dizzily floated around. He groaned as he stood, some of his pain being relieved when he was helped up.

?: Oh, uh. Thanks!

Ruby: Y-You're welcome. . .

She turned and began walking away. . .

?: Hey, where are you going?

The girl shrugged. She had nowhere to go, so she simply where the world took her.

?: How come your clothes are all ripped?

She froze and looked back at him. Envy immediately erupted through her mind, though she didn't understand what she was feeling.

Ruby: Go away.

?: Ah, I-I didn't mean to make you mad! H-Here, you can have my jacket. You'll get sick with your ripped one.

Within an instant, she snatched it from his hands and discarded her own, equipping it and zipping it up before tightly hugging him! All feelings of envy were replaced with gratitude. . .

Ruby: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

?: Oh. . . Y-You're welcome.

??: Jason! Where are you? Jason!

Jason: Uh-oh. That's my sister, I gotta go!

Ruby: W-Wait! W-Will you come back. . .?

He was about to leave the alley. . . Jason Church smiled and nodded before running off. The girl huggered herself and smiled. . . She'd wait for as long as she had to. . . . Luckily, she didn't have to wait very long, he returned the very next day.b

Jason: Hello!

Ruby: Uh, J-Ja. . . Uh, J-

Jason: Jason. By the way, you never told me your name.

Ruby: R-Ruby. . .

Jason took a seat next to her in the alley, setting down a box between them.

Ruby: Wh-What's this?

Jason: Oh, it's my lunchbox. Want some?

He opened it and then held a bag of chips up. Seeing that she was salivating, he assumed her answer was 'yes'. Opening the chips, she immediately grabbed a handful and began shoving them in her mouth.

Jason: Hey! Don't eat them so fast, you won't get to taste it!

Ruby: Huh?

Jason: Like this.

He demonstrating how to eat without simply inhaling it down. She mimicked him, actually tasting the chip.

Ruby: Wike dish?

Jason: Ew! Swallow before talking.

She did so.

Ruby: Like this?

Jason: Yep!

Ruby: That's weird. Why don't you just eat it?

Jason: Don't you want to taste good food?

Ruby: There's good and bad food? I thought it was just food.

Jason: Nope! Good food is like these chips. Bad food is like broccoli.

Ruby: Whats a broccoli?

Jason: Nasty! That's what a broccoli is! It's almost as bad as celery.

Ruby: Whats a celery?

Even at four years old, Jason realized he's going to have a lot of explaining to do. On the bright side, he made a new friend!

*Many Years Later - Project Freelancer*

The Director stood before a blue screen, the Counselor approaching. The screen shifted into a leaderboard.

1. North Carolina

2. York

3. Wyoming

4. South Dakota

5. South Carolina

6. North Dakota

Counselor: Our operatives are in position, Director.

Director: Good, send them in.

Counselor: If I may say sir, my testing indicates that this might not be the best-

Director: The system will determine what's best Counselor. The system will determine the order. Send them in.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season NineWhere stories live. Discover now