Chapter 6 Familiar Feelings

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*Ruby (_) - Age 8, 2536*

Jason had arrived in the alley, holding a few handheld devices. Surprisingly, he arrived before Ruby. . . or so he thought. A soft click made his ear twitch. He turned to see Ruby holding one of the toy rifles they played with the year prior, the girl having kept one.

Ruby: Hands in the air!

Jason: *laughs* Yes ma'am.

He did so and awaited her next command.

Ruby: Now, don't move.

Jason: Alrig- OW!

A dart was now attached to his forehead.

Jason: What was that f-OW! Stop!

Two more darts hit him.

Ruby: I said don't move!

Jason: Okay, Okay, I get it. OW! Sorry! OW!!!

Ruby: Stop talking!

Jason: . . . . . .

Ruby: Alright, now turn around.

He did so as quietly as physically possible.

Ruby: Now. . .

The girl broke down into laughter.

Jason: Ha ha, very funny.

Ruby: Hey, you're the one who moved!

Jason: No, I talked.

Ruby: And talking is moving!

She grinned and gave him a thumbs up.

Jason: B-But-But- Talking doesn't count!

Ruby: Yes it does! Your lips are moving, and that means talking is moving!

Jason: That doesn't-

Ruby: *nods* It does count.

The poor boy sighed and sat down.

Jason: Just take one of these.

He held up one of the devices he brought.

Ruby: Huh? What the heck is that? It looks super old.

Jason: That's because it is super old.

Ruby: How old?

Jason: Uh. . . Like five hundred years old?

Ruby: Woah! So, what is it?

Jason: This is a PSP Vita.

(A/N- The Vita and PSP are so underrated.)

Ruby: What's that?

Jason: It's a game thingy.

Ruby: Oooh, what games do you have?

Jason: Well, I brought two and they both have the same game.

Ruby: Oh. Why do you even have two?

Jason: I have an older sister, remember?

Ruby: Oh, right. Anyways, that game better be good.

Jason: Oh, I promise you, it will be. . . .

*Five Hours Later*

Jason/Ruby: PERSONAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two were playing Persona 4 Golden. Both were currently seeing who could make it the farthest until one of them had to leave. Jason was in the lead, mostly because he had beaten the game before, but Ruby was picking things up quickly. However, being only eight, they weren't exactly the best players ever.

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