Chapter 11 Lifting the Veil

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Hawaii dashed to York as fast as she could! His armor was badly damaged and his visor was cracked, the piece covering his left eye missing. . .

Hawaii: Hang in there, York! You'll be okay.

He groaned as she pushed him into his back. She took off his helmet, seeing just how bad the damage is.

Hawaii: Oh god. . .

His face was bleeding, some bits of skin were scorched, and his eye was blood red.

Hawaii: You'll be okay, just hold on!

The other freelancers arrived with a medical team!

Carolina: York. York! Get over here now!

She leaned down to his level as the medical team began assisting Hawaii as she began tending their fallen ally and also assisting the other down freelancers

Carolina: Come on, York. Hang in there.

South: Can't believe she did that to him. Shot his armor, sacrificed him.

Hawaii: No, she saved him.

Washington: Right, lockdown hardens the armor.

North: Quick thinking.

Carolina: Yeah, really quick.

Jason: Even so, he's lucky the grenade didn't blow him in two.

Hawaii: Explosives. . .

The medic growled as she continued tending to him, noticing others were tending to Texas.

?: Everyone stand down! Now!

The Director and the Counselor had arrived. The Freelancers lined up, but Hawaii disobeyed and continued helping York.

Director: You should be ashamed of yourselves. I expect you to act as a team.

Washington: They used live ammunition on the floor sir. That's against regulation.

Director: Do you think our enemies will care about regulation on the battlefield, Agent Washington?

Washington: So, you're not punishing them?

Director: Ingenuity and adaptability are admirable traits. You should all learn something from this.

Jason was about to lash out, but someone else did before him.

Director: Dis-

Hawaii: *laughs*

A suffocating aura began to surround them. . .

Counselor: Agent Hawaii. . .

Hawaii: I'm so sorry, I was simply laughing at how absurdly idiotic our Director's statement was.

The man turned and glared at her as she stood. However, her glare was twice the glare his was. Hawaii's scarlet eyes tore through his green. . .

Carolina: Ruby, stand down.

Jason: Ru-

Hawaii: No. How the heck are we supposed to act as a team when our teammates are going behind our back and disobeying regulations, that are freaking set to make things like this not happen?!

She began stepping forward. . .

Carolina: Ruby!

Counselor: Cease aggression, Agent Hawaii.

Hawaii: When you're the one who has to make sure your agents are alive and surviving their injuries, then come and preach about ingenuity and adaptability. . . Director. That was not ingenuity. That was not adaptability. That was insanity! You should learn something from this, our dear Director. . . .

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