
-Knowing every word to rap songs played at parties but goes home to quietly listen to punk/emo music

-World's biggest procrastinator, literally all homework is done the night before

-Despises pretentious art snobs

-Wears only underwear when chilling in his room

-Is bisexual

-Has broken two fingers, one toe, his right wrist, and his nose once

-Nearly got expelled from high school twice

-Lowkey obsessed with baby animals, he can't get over how cute they are. They must be protected at all costs

-Can cook tasty meals, because he learned how to early on, but is too lazy to most of the time

-Is an only child


-Feels bad about arriving late so he leaves with time to spare but also feels weird when he then shows up early so he'll circle around outside until it's exactly time

-Knows the alphabet backwards

-Really wants a pet hamster since his parents never let him have one

-Can't handle spicy food

-Bites his nails. It drives Vik nuts so Harry tried wrapping his fingers in band-aids only to chew on those instead

-Is pretty sure he's just gay but still open to others

-Doesn't have a good habit of flossing his teeth

-Has a younger brother by ten years

-Still scarred by a trip to the zoo that resulted in a giraffe almost biting his little seven year old arm off

-His favorite physical feature of himself is his thighs. He'll just sit there watching a show while squeezing them


-HATES procrastinating, everything is done right on time, over multiple days, or early

-Doesn't like drama

-Is studying to become a health class teacher

-Is the oldest of his four other siblings

-Has an incredible memory so he constantly has to remind other people of their responsibilities

-Was captain of his high school soccer team, currently plays on the college's mens team

-His favorite person, besides his mom, is his maternal grandfather 

-Sings in the shower

-Bees scare the shit out of him

-Thinks people who like mustard are weirdos


-Doesn't like taking the elevator because he has a fear of getting trapped in one

-Listens to his music at full volume through his headphones

-If he were to share the bed, he would hog the blanket

-Avoids anything that will spur an existential crisis

-Develops a baby voice when he sees a cute dog, hates cats

-Has LED lights in every room

-Easily makes friends and easily makes enemies

-Go to night time snack is cereal

-Simon is the only guy he's ever been attracted to

-Almost set his apartment on fire because he forgot you couldn't put foil in a microwave once

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