Chapter 41:Uh Oh

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Sorry but I just realized I didn't update chapter 34 so if you would like go back and read it, I think you would like reading it and again sorry for the mistake
-3 months later
I was now 9 months pregnant and the doctor says I'll have the baby anytime now. I am now dreading day after day because I don't want to go through the birthing part but I know it will all be worth

I will have a baby boy in a few days and then my life will be perfect, I will have my dream family

I was now looking through the information we have on our up coming mission, there is this guy going through the universe looking for a planet to take over and become king

He has 3 of the infinity stones but he doesn't seem to be going for all 6, its like having the 3 he has is giving him ultimate power. Carol thinks he is coming to earth next so we are all on edge ready to fight anyday now

I was down in dads lab when I felt something tight in my stomach and then it happened, my water broke. "Shit" I said walking out of the lab and into the living room

"Jarvis call Pietro and tell him its time" I said moving to the wall and breathing

Pietro came superspeeding into the room with my hospital bag, looking worried at me. "Okay I'm ready lets go" he said reaching for my hand

I grabbed his hand and we walked down to the car and drove to the hospital. A long 7 hours later I had a healthy baby boy and Pietro finally gave in and let me name him Henry

I asked the nurses if they could keep mom and dad out for a hour so Pietro and I could spend the first hour with Henry alone, not being interrupted. It was amazing and the fact that we haven't been attacked yet is great

I get to spend time with my family and now I can help fight with the Avengers as well, I don't think I would let them fight alone ever. They always need me to save their asses in some way

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the Avengers falling through the door and into the room and I started lauging "Hey guys" I said looking down at the floor where they were all on top of each other

"OMG is this baby Henry" mom said getting up the quickest and running over to me, looking at the baby in my arms. Henry has my brown eyes but Pietro's silver hair "Hes so cute" she gave me a smile and kissed my forehead

"Thanks mom" I said looking up at her and smiling

"Shes right Hope Henry is so cute" dad said coming over behind mom and looking at Henrys eyes "He even has our eyes" he started laughing a little. Those brown eyes have gone through 3 generations now and its cute

Everyone kept telling me how cute Henry was and how he will be the luckiest kid alive being my son and having all of the Avengers as his family. I agree with everything, my son will be the luckiest kid in the world but I will not let him be spoiled thats for sure

I was discharged in a few days and it didn't take long for everything to go back to normal, dad was most of the time in his lab with Bruce. Mom, Clint, and Steve were training alot. Bucky, Pietro, and Wanda were with me on the couch most of the time

Dad asked me any second I had if I could slowly train or get information on the new villain and I agreed. I'm not letting all of my family fight to save this earth when I can be helping too

Mom and Pietro didn't really like the idea but I shut them down immediately and told them my opinion and what I would be doing, and that is helping my family fight even if that means I die in the process which will not happen

I won't let anyone I love die to protect this earth if someone has to die, it will be me and only me. No matter what

Henry has been sleeping all night and it is amazing, I thought night was going to be terrible. I was so ready to have like 2 hours of sleep but then it never happened

Henry is little over 4 months old and he is the cutest kid alive and I am honestly as happy as I can be and I won't let anyone or anything stop me from being happy

Dad says the villian will be here in 3 weeks and everyone is on edge, getting ready to fight. We still don't know who the villain is just that he is coming to be king. We are all training more everyday trying to get stronger, or upgrading our suits to help us more in the battle

Dad said he is upgrading mine with everything he can and I'm sure when he gives it to me it will be full of tech I won't know how to use. Dad always has to make my stuff special and better than everyone elses but his of course, he can't be a genious, playboy, philanthropist without having the coolest stuff on the team

Each day that passed was one more day gone and one more day closer to the big battle that no one will ever be ready for. I don't know whats wrong but I have a feeling that not all of us are going to make it out of this battle and its scaring me

Everyday I spend as much time as I can with everyone I love laughing and smiling with them, "Wait you did what?" I asked looking at dad

"I threw myself into a wall" he mumbled rolling his eyes and taking a drink of his scotch

I couldn't say anything but laugh my ass off, I was laughing so hard. "I'm sorry I just" I couldn't even finish my sentence I was laughing so hard

"Yeah yeah laugh it up because when it happens to you I'm laughing my ass off at you" dad said pointing his finger at me and walking out of the room

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