Chapter 11:Jump Scare

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I was thinking about how I'm really living with my dad and little sister, how I'm working with all the Avengers on almost a daily basis.  How I live in Stark Tower instead of this little home, sometimes I kinda miss being by myself and being alone doing everything my way but its not that bad just took some getting used to 

I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear mom coming up from behind me.  She put her fingers on my side and said "Boo" in my ear, I jumped so high I could have touched the ceiling.  I turned around and gave mom a death stare, she really just tazered me

She was laughing her ass off and thought she was hilarious but I didn't "Thats not funny" I said still giving her a death stare and crossing my arms.  She kept laughing

"I thought it was" she said slowly stopping the laughs that were coming from her, she had a smile on her face and I couldn't help but uncross my arms and smile too

"Whatever" I said picking my coffee back up and taking a sip "When should I do it?" I asked looking back out the window.  I could see moms face in the reflection nd she was confused "About Tony when should I tell him?" I clearified what I meant

Mom walked over to where I was standing "Hon I don't know but thats up to you" she said putting her arm over my shoulder and looking out the window with me

"I think I might do it Monday" I said taking a deep breath "I need to get it out of the way eventually"

"Well thats up to you but if he doesn't want you there anymore than thats his mistake" she said giving me a smile

We starred out for a minute before we heard both our phones ringing at the same time.  We looked at each other and walked over to the phones on the kitchen table, I looked at the caller and it said Steve Rogers but mom said Tony Stark

I shrugged my shoulders and answered "Hello?" I asked waiting for an answer from the other end of the line

"Hey we need you back there is a mission" he said sounding urgently, I must have been on speaker because I could hear him moving around and bumping into things

"Okay we are on our way" I said hanging up the phone and running to my room were I grabbed my bag that I never unpacked from yesturday.  I ran back down and mom was waiting by the front door grabbing her keys "So much for a girls weekend" I said running out the door behind mom and into the car

She put the keys in the ignition and drove off "Yeah well thats this life" she said giving me a smile "But we can try and redo this another time" mom was driving down the road faster than any of the other cars

We were passing them and they all looked like a blurr.  Soon we were infront of the Tower and running inside seeing everyone in their mission suits already

Mom and I ran past them all to our rooms, were we changed into our suits and ran back down to the living room.  "Ready" Tony asked showing a blue hologram coming out of his suits hand

"This is our mission we need to rescue a SHIELD agent and destroy all information Hydra has on us" Tony said pointing to the map where the information and agent were

"Nat, Clint, Hope and I will rescue the agent while the rest of you will go and take down as many hydra soldiers as possible and destroy the information" Steve said looking at us all.  We gave all gave him a head nod saying we understand the plan "Alright everyone lets go"

We all walked into the elevator and went up to the roof where we boarded the quinnjet and took off.  In the quinnjet it was so quiet nobody was talking, if there was a fly or mouse you could hear it thats how quiet it was in the quinnjet

We landed and got in our seperate teams "Alright everyone its go time" Tony said walking out of the quinnjet and his thrusters started to buzz and he shot up into the sky flying away

Mom, Clint, Steve, and I ran into the hydra base fighting every soldier that got in our way.  So far there were not big groups of soldiers so it wasn't to hard yet, we made it to were the agent was being held and she was in bad shape

I ran over and untied her arms from the chair and mom worked on untieing her feet, she had cuts all over her body and bruises.  You could tell she had been through hell and it kinda made me sick to see that another human could do this to another person

"Can you walk?" Steve asked the agent

The woman stood up and you could see her legs wobbling, Steve and Clint moved by her and put her arms over their shoulders helping her walk.  Me and mom walked infront of them fighting off all soldiers that came at us

We made it back to the quinnjet and mom raced to the pilot seat where she got the jet ready for take off, it only took a few minutes and the rest of the team came back to the quinnjet "You all good?" Rhodey asked he had his mask off and a smile on his face and by the smile on his face I'm assuming they completed their part of the mission as well as we did

They boarded the quinnjet and we took off back to the Tower.  When we get there there is a medical team waiting at the landing pad ready to take the agent to the medbay

Once she was taken care of the team and I unpacked our stuff and changed out of our mission suits and back into regular cloths before meeting in a debreifing room to talk about the mission with Fury

I have practically maybe the next 3 chapters already written so all I will need to do is put them together and make it perfect or at least to my liking.  I will be busy this weekend so if I write it will be at night and I like to update during the day so it might be a few days and I'm trying not to leave a cliff hanger but you might get a few because when I write and write I tend not to want to go back and publish so as soon as one chapter is ready I'll publish as fast as I can

I hope you like the book so far and whats to come will shock you but it will be good and happy or it will be happy after all the fighting and drinking is over but until I publish more I hope you like what I've wrote so far

Hello everybody, my friend is in the process of writing a story, yes it is a work in progress, but let's be honest. Who's story at first isn't a work in progress, I hope you guys check it out, and enjoy reading it. I edit them and there is real potential with the chapters, but have fun and continue on reading.

It all started one night, Nala was at a bar, a mysterious man talking her ear off, but trouble came knocking. She missed her chance the first time, and nobody knows if she will get this tall, dark, mysterious man back. Only fate will bring them back together, if it is in Nala's cards. Want to know what happens, if she gets him back, or loses him forever. Keep reading to find out who ends out on top with Nala.

Written by:   Abby56858

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