Chapter 10:The Weekend

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It was Saturday morning and I was getting ready to go home for the weekend, I was packing my bag. Just the few things I need I put my picture of mom and Tony, and my computer in the bag. I don't know if I will need it but better safe than sorry

I walked down the stairs to the living room were I waited for mom and not soon after she came down too. I'm glad nobody said anything about my mutation because I'm really not in the mood to explain it all or have to deal with any it and plus mom had my back and told everyone not to mention it

"Ready to go?" mom asked waiting by the elevator looking at me

"Yeah" I said getting off the couch and walking over to the elevator, mom pushed the button and we got on heading for the car

We drove home listening to the radio, it was playing some of our favorite songs we always jam out to at home so we sang the entire way home. There was no time to talk even if we wanted to but we were too invested in the music to talk. When we pulled up infront of the house it was raining, it had started raining on our way over "Of course just our luck" I said putting my hood up and grabbing my bag out of the backseat so I didn't have to open another door

I had my key in hand and was ready to unlock the door super fast, I had my key in one hand and my bag hanging over my shoulder. I put the key in and the door unlocked immedietly, when mom and I got in the house we were soaked and our cloths were dripping water off of them

We stood in the doorway getting the rug all wet, "I hate the rain" I said putting my bag down on the floor. I took my shoes off and went to the sink where I squeezed all the water out of my hair, just that little bit had my hair soaked along with everything else

I walked back over to the doorway and grabbed my bag, mom was still in the doorway looking exhausted "I'll be back and then we can start our girls weekend" I said running up the stairs and to my room

I threw my bag on the bed and changed cloths throwing the wet ones in the bathtub so they didn't get anything else wet. I ran down the stairs and jumped on the couch grabbing the remote and a blanket

I wrapped it around myself before scrolling through netflix trying to find a movie to watch, I saw this one called HomeFront and it actually sounded good. It was about a dad and a drug deal busting and his past comes back to haunt him and it sounded good so I thought it would be a good movie to start with

Mom soon came into the living room with a fresh change of cloths and had a bowl of popcorn, she sat next to me and pulled the blanket on her too. I started the movie and we both ate popcorn laughing at the funny moments and feeling bad for the characters when something bad would happen

We watched the movie and when it was over, we were out of popcorn and still in a snacking kinda mood. I gave mom the remote and she started scrolling through the list just like I was before, I was in the kitchen when I heard her yell "Hurry up" it caused me to laugh she must have found a good movie to watch

I walked in the living room and mom had a smile on her face that stretched for miles I couldn't help but laugh a little bit, I moved to the couch and looked at the TV. She had on the screen To All The Boys I've Loved Before P.S. I Still Love You

"Well would you look at that mom is watching a romance room" I said putting the blanket over me and putting the candy inbetween us. She playfully punched my arm and gave me a smile before looking back at the TV as the movie was starting

We spent all day taking turns picking the movies I started loosing track of what movies we were watching. We watched every genre horror, mystery, romance, comedy, and all the rest. We went through like 5 bags of popcorn and 6 different kinds of candy

I know when we go back to the compound me and mom will be working out a lot working off all this junk we just ate, but what I do know forsure is I need to tell Tony the truth and soon. I don't want him finding out from anyone but me

It was getting late and we were still watching movies, I think now we are watching the fast and furious franchise. We were on the 4th one. As I was watching the movie I could feel my eyes getting heavy and slowly close, I would open them again because I liked the movie and wanted to finish it but that didn't work

I dozed off, I was laying on moms shoulder and she had her head on mine. We slept through the night and when I woke up I was lying down and had the blanket all to myself, mom wasn't around. She must have woken up and went to do some things around the house

I uncovered myself and I didn't like that, the cold air surrounded my body. I quickly grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my body walking to the kitchen

When I walked into the kitchen mom wasn't there but there was a fresh pot of coffee, the smell filled my nose and it smelt amazing. I grabbed a mug and poured the coffee out of the pot, I placed the pot back down and put some creamer in my mug to make it just how I like it

I took a sip and walked over to the window looking out at our backyard, it was a big and open we had no fench so nothing was blocking the view of the few hills we had. I set my mug down on the table and just looked out the window more getting lost in the train of thought

Hello I am colabing with @michalarae on Like Fire and Ice.  It is under her account but I am tagged in every episode, it is a love hate kinda story and will have many turns in the near future.

Glorious Purpose.


Sweet, Charming, Kind, Caring, Funny, Gentle...

Loki is everything Elidi's mother told her a frost giant could NEVER be. She was sent to Asgard by the orders of the fire giant king, Surtur, to assassinate Laufey's Son. At first, she thought it would be easy. Kill him and get out of Asgard before Ragnarok, but love always complicates things...

Should she follow orders like a good fire giant soldier and daughter?


Should she follow her heart to a love she's always longed for with Loki?


"Kill him tonight, or you are no daughter of mine." She grabbed the back of my neck, forcing me to look in her eyes. "You kill him tonight, Elidi, or I will, and you'll be banished from Muspelheim for the rest of eternity."


"Eli, No!" I heard Loki's voice shaking as he wept over my head in his lap. "Please Eli, I can't lose you, I love you!"

"I love you too. Eternally." I used all my strength in the moment, trying to will the words to come out louder, but they were still a mere whisper.

"Eli." His lips crashed onto mine upside down, all the passion of our time apart conveyed in one kiss. It filled me like lifeblood, and my eyes fluttered open.

"I'm fine, Loki. Promise." I started to sit up with his assistance and turned around to see those familiar green eyes boring into my very soul, filled with love and tenderness.

"But... how did you?" He asked, his hand running along my cheek gently, tenderly.

"I told you," I said, dropping the magical disguise I had clung to for oh so long and allowing the orange-red tones spread over my flesh, revealing the hot, blazing blue fire within my eyes and the flicker of light in my long red hair. "You could never hurt me."


Like Fire and Ice is a twisting, turning, Loki-centered novel of enemies to lovers in a Marvel AU! Read on if you dare!

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