Chapter 19:Given up

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Hope's point of view:
I lost track of the days, day after day it was the same thing.  I would wake up at who knows when, the only way I knew it was morning was the little light coming from under the door that would be pinkish-orange meaning the sun was coming up and in the evening the sun would be redish-orangish meaning it was night soon

They brought me food once a day it was normally right before the torture would happen and if I didn't eat the food they would torture me more and not feed me the next day too.  They would do countless things to me, it was awful and everyday I would scream for them to stop but they didn't.  I was told to 'Shut up' or 'Be quiet or I would be forced to be quiet'

I just wanted to go home and be with my family.  Not in this cold and dark cell, I was all alone.  Completely and utterly afraid but I wasn't going to show them that.  I need to survive this and I will, I'll survive this to make it home to my family and again I heard my door open and food was pushed in the cell breaking me away from my thoughts

I took it and ate it waiting for the next part to come, the worst part of the day.  The part no one should ever have to go through but yet people go through this everyday and the fact that people can do this to other people is sickening and just like clock work soldiers entered my cell taking me to the chair where they tied me down and started the torture again

Pietro's point of view:
Its weird, I have only know Hope for a month but there is a connection with us and now that shes gone its breaking me.  I won't say love yet but I am making my way there and if Hope feels the same way I do then we will work out but right now we have to rescure her for us to have a future.  "Whats the plan?" I ask

It had been about a week and everytime we found a lead it would be a dead end, we tried finding Hope's body heat out of everyone elses but whoever took her was clever.  Tony tried searching for her mutant gene but again there was nothing, no matter how we tried to find her it never worked and we were running out of ideas

"I don't know we have used almost of our options and still nothing" Nat leaned her head back on the back of the couch and put her hands over her face

"Nat they will slip eventually we just have to wait and see what mistake they make" Steve said putting his hands on her shoulders.  At first I thought Steve was into Hope but then I saw that they were friends and really close friends at that, it was like they knew each other since they were born

"We can't wait.  Tony find her now" Nat stood up and looked at Tony before walking off down to the training room where I'm sure she is going to punch more punching bags

Hope's point of view:
I was throw back into my cell covered in more cuts and bruises, I still don't know why I'm here.  They don't ever ask me questions about the Avengers or my dad, they just torture me over and over again.  I am trying to find out why they want me but they don't ever say anything

The only thing I know about these people is they are Hydra, one day a guy came in with a jacket that had the hydra logo on it.  I know they came after me because I'm the Avengers weak spot, the thing that will bring them to their knees.  I know the Avengers are doing everything in their power to find me and I know they won't let me be the thing to destroy them, even if that means I don't make it out alive

Tony's point of view:
I have been trying everything in my power to find Hope but nothing, I can't find anything.  Every day that passes its one more day Hope is kept away from us, and being through who knows what.  I was working on my computer when a video popped up on my screen "What the hell" I said reading the note that popped up over the video

It read
I have her and I want something

I clicked out of the message and looked at the video "Avengers get down here now" I screamed and very fast everyone came running

"What?" Nat asked looking panicked

"We got a video" I said pushing it from my computer to a big projection and clicked play, the screen was black and you couldn't see anything but you could hear noises in the background

"You are running out of time you better find her soon" a voice said before we heard a scream which I could only assume was Hope screaming in pain

"Mom" We heard Hope scream over and over again "Mom" is all she would say between the screams and cries.  Nat looked disgusted along with everyone else in the room 

"Turn it off" Steve said pulling Nat into a hug, Nat was crying in his arms trying to stay strong but that wasn't working

I turned it off and turned back around to try and figure out where the video was sent from but it was pinged off of hundreds of towers and it would take forever to go through every tower.  I saw Nat walk out of the room I can tell this is eating away at her and she can't do anything to help Hope right now

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw it was Steve "Come on Tony its night you need some sleep" I looked out the window and saw it was night.  I don't know how many days I've gone without sleep but I know I do need some if I'm going to be rested for when we find Hope

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