Chapter 13:Drunk

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I walked over to my closet that has all my dresses in it and searched through them until I found the right one, it was a maroon dress with straps off the shoulder and it stopped right before my knees

I walked over to my closet that has all my dresses in it and searched through them until I found the right one, it was a maroon dress with straps off the shoulder and it stopped right before my knees

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I did a simple purple makeup to match my dress, I curled my hair the bouncy curls bouncing off my shoudlers.  I could hear music but it wasn't as loud as normal so the party must just be starting

I grabbed some black heels and threw them on before picking up my phone off the bed and walking down to the living room were some of the team were already down talking and mingling but some others weren't there

I saw mom behind the bar and I walked over to her, "One margarita please" I sat down and put my hands on my face waiting for one

Mom started mixing it and poured it into 2 glasses, the glass rims were coated in salt and had a lime on it.  The mix was green and I'm assuming lime was the flavor this time

She handed it to me and I took it, taking a small sip the alcohol hitting my tongue and the salt touching my lips.  I looked up at mom "I think this one is the best one yet" I said giving her a smile

"You say that everytime I give you a margarita" she said laughing at me

While we were at the bar more people started showing up most of them I have never seen before must be agents who work at SHEILD.  I noticed Steve and Peter walk in

They must have been outside because they were wearing shorts and t-shirts, they walked up to their rooms changing I'm assuming

Soon the party was in full swing and everyone was talking with each other, drinking, laughing, and smiling.  I was hanging with mom most of the time I mean I get along with everyone here but them not knowing the truth kinda makes me not talk to them and I stick to myself most of the time anyway

Thats how I lived for the first half of my life so why change it

Steve walked over to me and sat next to me "Hey whats up" I said taking a sip of the drink, mom winked and walked off giving me and Steve 'Alone time' she calls it

"Nothing just hoping we can get to know each other a little bit more" he said smiling and waving his hand at a bartender getting a beer

"Oh what would you like to know?" I asked looking at him

"How did you learn you had powers?" Steve asked spinning his bottle in his hand and looking at me

"Oh I was in 8th grade walking home from school when the sky was really cloudy and I wished that it would rain and be over with and in that instant it started downpouring.  I was still walking home keep in mind so I looked up to the sky and yelled I wish it would stop raining and again it stopped raining as soon as I said it" I said looking into his face waiting for a reaction he was trying not to laugh but he was failing

"Go on laugh I did myself along with everyone else I have told that story to" I said laughing a little "But I did go home that day and kept playing with water until I moved to fire and then wind and then earth which is how I found out I had element powers"

"Wow I had to sign up for the army to get my strength " Steve said through his laughs pointing at his muscles that were hiding under his shirt

We talked for about an hour getting to know each other, people started leaving and all the Avengers gathered in the living room all sitting around each other, Steve and I walked over to the couch sitting with the rest of the group.  Once we got closer I saw on the table were some shot glasses and a bottle of tequila

"What we going to play never have I ever or something?" I ask being sarcastic

"Well yes actually" Tony said grabbing the bottle and pouring it into the glasses handing a glass to each of us

"Okay" I said looking at mom

We played a few rounds of never have I ever and I drank on almost round which shocked most of the Avengers.  Soon I was really drunk and everyone thought it was the funniest thing

I got up and walked over to the table where I stood on it grabbing another shot "I'd like to make a toast" I said raising my glass in the air.  Mom looked at me "I want to say thank you to Tony for being the worst dad ever"

"Hope stop" mom said standing up to me but I ignored her and kept going

"and to Pepper for ruining every happy family who have ever met you and taking their love ones from them you whore" I said stubbling a little on top of the table

No one knew what to say they all sat in shock looking at me, I looked at Tony and he looked mad.  Peppper looked sad and hurt that I just said that and mom looked pissed

"BED NOW" mom screamed pointing to my room

"Fine got to ruin all the truth" I said with my hands in the air walking up to the stairs but I was to drunk to walk up the stairs.  Everything was spinning I felt someone pick me up and when I looked it was Pietro

His face looked disappointed and he was shaking his head as I looked up at him but he wouldn't look at me

Pietro brought me to my room and put me on the bed covering me up and walking back out leaving the lights off

I slept through the night and when I woke up I felt sick but I pushed past it, I walked down the stairs and everyone was starring at me.  "What" I said rubbing my head waiting for an answer but I just got mad stares

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