Chapter 23:Out

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No one dared to interrupt me and mom, she was holding me, comforting me. I could feel everyone watching, nobody knew what to say. I was starting to get tired but I knew if I fell asleep than I would see everything I lived just like any other night

I fought the sleepiness and sat up, mom wiped my tears away and I let her this time. Not flinching, not moving, I just let mom do what she was doing "Lets get you upstairs" mom said signalling to Steve to come and pick me up

I watched Steve come over and when he reached down to pick me up I jumped out of moms lap and away from Steve afraid. I could see the hurt in his eyes and worry in everyone elses eyes "Steve-- I'm-- ugh" I said standing up and walking out of the kitchen crying a little

I ran to my bed and cried all I could do was cry. I heard a knock on the door and then the door open and it was Steve, "I'm sorry" I said standing up and wiping my tears away

"Hey its okay" he said walking over to me and pulling me into a hug

"Steve I can't do this I need to get away" I said looking at him

"What do you mean?" he asked concerned

"I need a break with mom back at home" I said leaning my head on his shoulder

"Okay how about you sleep and then I'll talk to Nat about you and her taking a well deserved break" he said moving me to lay on the bed before he walked out of the room

I was alone but it wasn't dark, I couldn't be alone anymore. I'm not afraid of them but I need to show I'm strong now and be weak when I'm alone, I have to stop flinching and backing away from them when they talk or walk towards me

I walked out of my room and down to the living room where everyone was talking, "Hey" I said walking over to Pietro and sitting down next to him

For some reason Pietro is the only one I feel safe around completely, I don't know why it is but I think its how we feel about each other. I know he likes me and I like him too but right now the timing isn't right

I looked around the room and noticed everyone was here except Steve, Bruce, and Tony. Steve is probably working out and Bruce and Tony are probably in the lab

"Hope Tony wants you in the lab" Jarvis said as soon as I thought about dad not being here

"Okay" I said standing up and walking out of the living room and towards the lab where dad and Bruce where waiting for me

When I got to the lab my dad and Bruce were staring at me with sympathy on their faces "Whats with the sad faces?" I asked looking between the two of them

"Hope I'm sorry but Tony has the say on this matter" Bruce said slowly walking up to me. I looked down to his hand where I notice a syringe that has a liquid in it probably a traqualizer

"Oh no" I said backing away from Bruce but dad grabbed my arms and put them behind my back "Pietro" I yelled hoping he heard me

I used the air in the room to knock Bruce off balance and he tipped over, I didn't want to but I stomped hard on my dads foot and he let go of me. I ran for the door as fast as I could but then I felt something sharp enter my arm

I looked down at my arm and noticed another syringe in it, I looked up at the person and saw it was Steve. My best friend how could they do this to me "Steve--" I started to say but then everything went fuzzy and I felt my body falling to the ground

While I was waiting to feel the impact of the ground on my body I felt someone catch me. I looked up and it was Pietro he heard me, he came to save me but then Bruce stabbed Pietro with a syringe too and then we both fell to the floor and everything went black

I don't know how long I was out but when I woke up Pietro was laying next to me unconscious, I crawled over to him in a hurry. "Pietro" I said lightly shaking his shoulders before a light groan came out of him meaning he was waking up "Pietro come on wake up" I lifted him up so now he was sitting up

While I was holding him up I was looking around the room we were in and we were in a cell. Metal bars surrounded us and the room was lightly lit but I could see a faded shadow in the corner of the room "Whos there" I said waiting for an answer

Steve stepped out of the shadow and just looked at the floor, he never even bothered to look me in the eyes. "I'm sorry Hope but Tony says we have to do this" he said still looking at the floor

"Do what I'm fine Steve I'm fine" I said feeling a tear escape my eye "Tell my dad I'm fine please" I could feel more tears escaping my eyes. How could my own dad be doing this to me and mom let him, no she wouldn't let him do this to me. She has no idea this is going on

"I'm sorry Hope" Steve said before looking at me quickly and then back into the shadows where he disappeared

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