Chapter 33:6 Months later

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It has been 6 months since I passed out due to having no sleep, Bruce gave me some sleeping pills that help me fall asleep and help me stay asleep for a few hours. Sometimes I wake up from a nightmare but every week they are getting less and less and it helps when Pietro sleeps with me either in my room or his

Pietro and I have really developed our relationship and I think its going somewhere, I would like him to propose to me but who knows if he feels ready to do that. I think if he did, no I know if he proposed I would say yes a million times over and over again

I'm supposed to be going on a date with Pietro later marking our 6 month anniversary, he told me to dress nice. I had no clue what I was going to wear but I knew that it being Pietro whos bringing me that the place will be a little fancy

I went through my closet hoping I could find something simple to wear that was very comfortable, but also elegant at the same time. "UGH" I said flopping down on my bed

Everything in my closet I've already wore and I want to wear something new, I had no time to go dress shopping and I'm running out of time "Jarvis call mom to my room please" I asked speaking at the ceiling

"Right away Hope" the AI said in his british voice

A few minutes later mom came running into my room sweating and in a workout outfit "Hope whats wrong" she said bending over out of breath

"I need something to wear" I said sitting up and looking at her

"Thats what you called me for" she said standing up and looking at me

"Yes" I said tilting my head and putting my puppy dog eyes on and giving her a big smile

"Fine" she said walking out of the room

I stood up and quietly squeeled before running after mom to her room, she was already in her closet looking through it. She pulled out the most gorgeous dress I think I have ever seen

Once my eyes laid on the perfect dress I fell in love, it was perfect. It was a beige color for the top half and the bottom was a skirt, they were weird colors but put together they fit and look perfect

  It was a beige color for the top half and the bottom was a skirt, they were weird colors but put together they fit and look perfect

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It works because Pietro will probably take me out and then for a walk somewhere and this goes well with both those things. I put on some black straped heals and a white bracelet putting the outfit together

I curled my hair to a light curl and then I went with a nuetral look, it was a mix of a light pink and brown. I still had some time to spare but I didn't want Pietro seeing me yet so I teleported to my room and read my book

I am still reading the same book I was 6 months ago, I normally not that big of a reader but when I want to. I'll pick the book up and read. I got invested in my book, until I heard a knock on the door

I looked at the clock and saw it was 7 O'Clock, Pietro told me to be ready at 7. Its a good thing I am, I opened the door and his mouth dropped open "Wow every time" I said lightly laughing

"You get more beautiful every time I see you" he said taking my hand and giving it a kiss before smiling at me

"And you say that every date" I say giving him a smile leaning in to give him a kiss but he moved back "Hey" I said pouting my lip

"Not yet" he said pulling my hand out of my room and to where ever we are going

"Can I know where we are going?" I ask impaintently

"No but we will be there soon" he said pulling me into the car

I got in and Pietro took off to the edge of the city "Your not taking me out here to murder me are you?" I asked joking

"No" he said grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze

"Good" I said giving him a smile "How--" I started to say but I was cut off

"Stop with the questions and just enjoy the ride" he said putting his finger to my lips and turning my face to look out the window

Every time I tried to look at Pietro or anywhere else besides out the passenger window, Pietro would turn my head and tell me to keep looking out the window. We were driving for about an hour before Pietro pulled up to this secluded restrant

It wasn't empty but full of things I love, there were roses and candles lit around the room. In the middle was a table set for two "Pietro I love it" I said giving him a big smile

"I'm glad" he said leading me to the table and pulling out my chair for me "What did I do to deserve this" I said watching him sit down in his seat across from me and grab my hands

"Your you" he said being his cheesy loving self

The waitor came over and took our orders and then shortly after our meals were brought to us, we ate talking about our daily life and whats to come in the future. I honestly never thought this day would come where I am 6 months into a relationship of a man I truely love

We got done and then the waitor cleared our plates and brought us dessert. On my plate it said 'Will you marry me' in chocolate sauce, I looked over at Pietro and he was down on one knee holding a box with a ring in his hand

Sorry that's all your getting today I'll update a few chapters tomorrow and then I'm planning on having the rest of the book out Sunday night at some point and then publishing the first few chapters of book 2 on Sunday night too

Hopefully you guys don't hate me because what I'm about to do to you is sad and I cried writing it so just a heads up you might but until then enjoy

And what do you guys thank Hope will say?

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