Chapter 30:Confronted

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I went up to my room and pulled out my phone and dialed CJ's number, she answered almost immediately "Hey whats up?" she asked from the other side of the line

"Turns out I need thats girls weekend now" I said looking around my room

"Okay I'll swing by in a little bit and pick you up" she said before we exchanged out goodbyes and hung up

I threw my phone on my bed and grabbed a bag ready to pack my cloths, I started just throwing random cloths I thought I would need for this weekend. Although I packed like a hundred different outfits I bet you I won't even change out of my pjs

I heard a knock on the door "Come in" I said with my back to the door

I heard someone enter my room and then nothing, I turned around and saw Bucky standing in my room. "Hope" he said my name looking down at the ground

I didn't answer, I just looked at the floor and stood there not looking in Bucky's direction

"Damn it Hope talk to me" Bucky said hitting the desk that made me jump

"Why" I said narrowing my eyes on his "you had full control and you still did those things to me" tears forming in my eyes

"I had no choice you know that" he said taking a step closer but I took a step back closer to the wall, keeping my distance from him

"Stop lying to yourself" I yelled at him "You were in control I saved you over me and you betrayed me" I was furious, how can he not see it. He never had that voice in his mind saying he had to follow the orders, he chose to.

"What" he said in shock

"I put a protective bubble around your mind it kept you safe from hydras mind control" I said tears escaping my eyes

If I would have known what he would have done I would have done something different "why me?" He asked in disbelief

"Because I thought you were my best friend and bet being a super soldier nobody could beat you and they trusted you and so did I but I guess I was wrong" I said turning away and facing the wall

"Hope please look at me" he said sadness in his voice

I didn't move, I didn't turn around "why?" I asked wiping the tears from my eyes

"Hope" he said putting his hands on my shoulder

I turned and faced him and saw the hurt in his eyes, he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back "I'm sorry I'm truly sorry I thought something was off but I was to scared of them to do anything" he said I could tell he was fighting the urge to cry based on his breathing voice

"All that matters is we are both safe and out of their reach now" I said pulling away and looking into his eyes

We are both broken and needing help, but fighting with our instincts to accept help. We both think we need to be by ourselves and not let anyone else see our problems but thats not true at all

Bucky and I have each other and too the rest of the avengers are also here for Bucky and I anytime we need them. I know getting better will take time and effort but thats all I need, time. People don't magically get better over night but after multiply nights

"Buck I got to get ready" I said pulling out of his arms and turning back to my bag I was packing

"Where?" he questions curiously

"I'm going to CJ's house for a few days for a girls weekend" I said turning my head and giving him a smile

"Oh well I hope you have fun and stay safe" he said giving me a smile before turning to walk out of the room

"Buck" I said getting his attention

"Yeah" he said turning around to face me at the door

"I'm glad we cleared this up I really missed you" I said giving him a big smile

Bucky is the only one who really knows what I went through in hydra, sure Wanda told everyone but Bucky was actually there. He went through what I did

"Me too squirt" he said giving me one last smile before leaving the room

I finished throwing the few things into my bag and then my phone rang "Hello" I said into the phone picking it up waiting for a response

"Hey you ready?" CJ asked on the other end of the line

"Yeah about to head out why?" I asked curious, she said I could come over whenever I was done packing

"Just wondering I'll see you soon" she said before hanging up

I walked out of my room and down to the living room where everyone was sitting, talking with each other. "Hey I'm off" I said walking over and leaning over the back of the couch kissing the top of Pietro's head

"Okay sweetie we will see you in a few days" mom said giving me a smile

I got a few waves from the rest of the group and then I left, Pietro obviously had to give me a kiss before I left. I got in the car and drove to CJ's house, when I got there she was already waiting for me at the front door

I walked in and was brought into a hug immediately and I hugged her back, it felt good being in her arms. "I hope your ready I have plans for days and no time for sleep" she said pulling away and giving me possible the biggest smile I have ever seen out of her

"Deal" I said shutting the front door and walking into the living room where I set my stuff down waiting for the fun weekend to start

Hey everyone quick message I think I'm going to wait to finish the book and start the second one before published any more parts but I could be wrong I may publish a few chapters here and there but book 2 will be out with in 2 weeks hopefully and book 1 will be finished by the end of this week hopefully anyway until then happy reading

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