Chapter 35:Pregnant

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Sorry but I just realized I never posted chapter 34 so before starting to read this chapter if you would like to go back to chapter 34 then please do so your not missing anything

Thank you very much if you go back I hope you like chapter 34 and the rest of the book
The next day came and I had to leave this place and go home, I would be able to tell everyone I'm engaged and they are going to freak out

And I was right nobody knew except dad because Pietro asked my dad for his blessing, which I get but I for sure thought he was going to ask my mom because she raised me but I guess not

Few weeks had gone by since getting engaged and I've been getting sick and having a weird feeling in my stomach, the other day Nat made a joke about me being pregnant but I pushed over it. Theres no way I'm pregnant right

Now thats all I can think about "Ugh" I said getting up and putting some cloths on going to the CVS down the road to get a pregnancy test. I was walking home thinking about if I was pregnant or not

What would happen if I was, would Pietro be mad. Or oh god what about mom and dad will they hate me, no they are always supportive of me

When I got back I went to my bathroom locking the door behind me so no one can in and find out before I tell Pietro. I peed on the stick and waited, I think this was the longest 3 minutes of my life waiting for these stupid results

The 3 minutes were up and I flipped the test over to see it was positive, "Holy shit" I said covering my mouth excited. I'm going to be a mom, take care of a little kid for the rest of my life and I can't wait

OMG how am I going to tell Pietro? Will he be mad that we are having a baby? I'm starting to panic, the walls were closing in and I can't see straight. "Jarvis--" I said my breathing staggering "Call mom" I sat down on the floor and put my hands over my ears

"Hope you ca--" but she stopped what she was saying and came down right infront of me "Hope whats wrong?" she asked concerned. I couldn't say anything, I handed mom the pregnancy test and I heard a gasp. "Your going to be okay" she said rubbing my back

"What if Pietro is mad?" I asked looking up at mom

"He loves you, you guys are getting married he will be so happy" she said putting her hands on my face and giving me a smile

"Are you sure?" I asked not sure if what she said is really going to come true or not

"Positive" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me off the floor "Lets go tell him" she brought me out of my room and to the training room where Pietro was training

"Hey" he said unrapping his hands and coming over to me all sweaty and stinky

"I have something to tell you" I said giving mom a 'can we have some privacy look'

Mom gave me a head nod and left the room leaving Pietro and I alone. "Whats up babe" he said bringing me into a kiss

"I'm" I said taking a deep breath "I'm pregnant" I gave him a small smile

"What" he said surprised and happy

"I'm pregnant" I said giving him a bigger smile

"Yes" he said picking me up and swinging me around in a circle

"Your happy?" I asked once he put me down

"Of course I'm so excited" he said putting his hands on the side of my face and giving me a kiss "I love you babe"

"I love you too" I said giving him another big smile "Lets keep this a secret for now" I said with pleading eyes

"Whatever you want" he said grabbing my hand and bringing me out of the training room and up to our bedroom. We had decided like a month ago to move in together because we were in love and always sleeping together so it only made sense

"Now go shower you stink" I said plugging my eyes and swaying at the air infront of my face

"Ugh" he said putting his hand over his heart "Okay I get your point" he said turning away from his armpit he just smelled

"Told you" I said falling onto my back and putting my hand over my eyes closing them trying to drift off to sleep

This was a weird sleep, I've been getting better with the nightmares and I have them maybe once or twice a week but this nightmare started right away. I was being chased by hydra and I had no where to go, I came to a cliff and I looked down and I saw my whole family dead at the bottom of the cliff

Hydra was coming closer and closer to me and I had no where to go but down to my death just like the rest of my family. I had two choices either fall to my death and be with my family or be back in hydras control

I took my chance at death and jumped hoping this would be painless and quick but as I was falling, I didn't feel like I was falling. When I eventually hit the bottom I felt like I had been falling forever and then I woke up

I was in a sweat and breathing hard, I was looking around for Pietro but he was no where to be seen. I remembered he was in the shower and I went into the bathroom for his comfort "Pietro" I said slowly stepping into the bathroom

"Yeah" he said popping his head out around the shower curtain

"I had a nightmare" I said a tear escaping my eye

"Come here" he said turning the shower off and putting a towel on and sitting on the toliet seat

I moved over to him and sat on his lap, I laid my head down on his chest and he ran his fingers through my hair comforting me

The Rejected DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora