Chapter 9:Explaining

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I woke up and I was in a cell alone, the last thing I remember is fighting with the Avengers at the hydra base.  I remember using the fire and knocking all the soldiers out and ending the fight there and but now I don't know whats going on.  I can hear people fighting a little bit from me and it sounded like mom, Tony, and Steve

"Hello" I called out waiting for a reply, I heard the voices stop.  I heard footsteps coming towards me.  Mom, Tony, and Steve all came in my eye sight.  "Mom whats going on?" I asked confused and I felt a little scared.  I could feel my emotions starting to slip, I could hear all the water in the house at once

Water started coming out of the walls, I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths, I heard the cell door open and felt hands on my shoulders causing me to look at who it was.  Mom was standing infront of me "Breath Hope breath" she said trying to calm me down "No one is going to hurt you" I looked at her trying to calm down

"I can't" I said trying to calm down but I couldn't I shook my head.  I felt Tony staring at me "Its him" I looked at him then back at mom

"Okay Steve get him out of here" she said pointing to the door

I watched as Steve pulled Tony out of the room and now it was just me and mom "Thank you" I said taking a few deep breaths. The water slowly stopped coming out of the walls and I could hear it anymore running through the walls of the building 

"Your welcome but you want to tell me what is up with you and Tony" she said once I was calmed down and was fine again

"I don't know I feel like he knows something is up and he is trying to figure it out and I don't want him to know not yet" I said looking at her "Okay lets get out of here I think its to cold and scary" I walked towards the entrance of the cell door and walked out waiting for mom to follow me

I walked into the living room with mom and everyone was starring at me, I walked over to the couch and sat down

I was going to talk again when I heard a little kid running down the stairs towards the living room, I turned around and saw Morgan running full sprint at me.  "Hey" I said before she jumped in my lap "Woah did someone miss me" I laughed a little while saying it, I never thought I would get along with Morgan or even think of her as my sister

"Yes daddy said you were sick and needed to sleep" she said giving me a smile

"Yeah but I'm better now" I said smiling back at her "Now go and play with your toys" I picked her off my lap and set her down on the ground

"Okay" she said running up the stairs and back to her room

Everyone is staring at me "What?" I asked confused waiting for an answer

"I think you need to explain" Tony said walking over to me and now standing next to me

"Explain what" I said I knew what he was talking about but I wanted him to say it, this is the most he has asked of me besides watching my secret sister

"What exactly did you do back at the hydra base?" Steve asked looking at me

"I sent out a wave of fire that hit all the hydra soldiers taking them down at once" I said biting the inside of my lip nervously

"How" I heard Bruce say from behind me

"My mom had a mutation and it was passed down to me when I was born giving me powers" I said turning and looking at him

"What can you do" Tony said causing me to look up at him and he was looking down at me trying to figure me out

"I can control the elements" I said looking away and fighting back a few tears that were trying to spill out of my eyes, this was the only thing I had of mom and sometimes it wasn't even that great of a pass down

"Cool" Bruce said now sitting infront of me on the arm of the couch

"Yeah it can be handy but I don't like to use them so I don't unless its life or death" I said looking down at the ground wiping my face, trying to keep the tears back didn't help all the way one slipped and fell down my cheek

"Hey go upstairs and change and I'll be up in a minute" mom said putting her hand on my shoulder and rubbing it before I stood up and walked upstairs.  I turned my back to the wall and listened

"Guys don't make a big deal out of this she doesn't really like using it.  It makes her feel odd and like a freak kinda so don't mention it okay" mom said getting up and walking up the stairs after me, I hurried into my room and shut the door quietly, sitting on the bed waiting for mom to come in

She came in the room and sat next to me "Hope maybe you should go back home since coming here you've been off and stressed" she said grabbing my hand and looking into my eyes

"I can handle it" I said giving her a reassuring smile

"Are you sure because if you can't everyone will understand this is a big adjustment and especially in your situation" she said smiling back at me

"I know but I can do it I promise and if I can't I'll go back home and come here only when I'm needed" I said taking my hands and falling on the bed laying on my back.  Mom followed and layed down next to me

"Okay" she said looking up at the ceiling "I noticed you don't have your picture on the nightstand" she nudged my shoulder and I looked at her

"Yeah, I thought if someone comes in and sees it it would be weird I mean what would they think and anyway its in the drawer and I pull it out once a day and look at it" I said looking back up at the ceiling feeling a tear fall down my face

"Maybe this weekend it wouldn't be so bad if we both went home and spent some time alone" I said sitting up and starting to cry

"Its a date" mom said sitting up and pulling me into her where I cried and felt comfort in her embrace

I'm on vacation right now but I'll be writing when I have down time and I'll update a chapter when ever I'm done writing it and its all good for you guys to read and I'm hoping that ending wasn't so bad but I should have chapter 10 out in the next like 3 days I'm half way done writing it and then all I need to do is edit and it will be all good but until then I hope everyone has a good day/evening/night

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