Chapter Twenty

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"She's not coming

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"She's not coming." Tanner whispers to me.

I sigh and sink lower into my seat. "I know. I just don't know what could have possibly happened."

"I'm sure she's fine." Tanner assures me, but I don't believe him. There's no way that disappearing for two days isn't abnormal. Something happened to her.

"I just want to confirm that she's fine, and there's no way to do that unless we find her." I lean over onto my desk, waiting for the teacher's voice to be silenced by my thoughts. It would happen any moment now.

"Just find a way to distract yourself until she shows up." He advises, but there's nothing to distract me while I'm in training other than training itself. And it isn't interesting enough to keep me occupied.

We're talking about the practices of a guardian angel, something along those lines. It's stuff that we've vaguely gone through before, there's nothing new.

I wish there was some way for people here to contact each other, that way I don't have to wonder what time I'm going to see Brooke all day.

I lean forward in my seat and think about all of the things that could've happened.

She left with a group of thirty people, and I don't remember which people went with her so there's no way I can find one of them and ask them. Maybe that same group of people is also missing, maybe something went wrong. Maybe there's some sort of population control going on here.

I shake my head.

There really is no explanation and all I can do is wait. I know that I don't know much, but I do know that there could be terrible things that happen in the Afterworld. She could've been reincarnated or something or gotten lost somewhere.

She'll be fine, they say.

"It's not stress itself that kills you, it's how you react to it. Just pretend everything's fine, get your mind off of it." Tanner whispers to me. He can tell that I'm stressed, is it that obvious? Why wouldn't I be stressed? I'd be more concerned if I wasn't stressed about my missing best friend.

My leg is bouncing up and down and I continue to mess with my hair, maybe it doesn't take an expert to figure out my emotions, but I can't help it.

"It's harder than it sounds." I return, then stare at the clock, watching the second hand circumvent about the center.

"Now," Will's voice becomes louder. "As a guardian angel, you are able to see Earth, but you cannot go onto it. Your wings are used for traveling into dreams, but you only travel within the Afterworld." He says, which either doesn't make any sense or I'm just not paying attention enough.

I really just want to go back to my room.

She wasn't in her room when I knocked.

She couldn't have been kidnapped, that kind of thing doesn't exist here. I couldn't think of anything other than her finding a guy, but staying with him for two days isn't believable.

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