Chapter Nineteen

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I'm out of place trailing behind Tanner and Jack without Brooke, but it isn't the first time

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I'm out of place trailing behind Tanner and Jack without Brooke, but it isn't the first time. They keep whispering things to each other as we walk towards a fairly tall building that's completely unfamiliar to me.

It's old and dirty, which makes it stand out from all of the other places in the Afterworld. I would like to back out now.

"This is where we're going?" The tall building could fall over at any moment, it probably has rust and termites. "I'll pass."

"Oh come on, it doesn't look that weird, you're just paranoid. It's much safer than these other buildings, it has lasted way longer." Jack says as we walk through the old wooden doors.

Inside is dark and empty, it's like walking into an abandoned hospital or something, nothing feels quite right. I shudder as Jack and Tanner head further into the abyss, as if this place isn't creepy in any way.

At the end of the small room lies a set of backpacks, six of them to be exact. Without hesitating, the two of them begin strapping them to their chest while I watch them in confusion.

"Here." Jack tosses me one, and it is much heavier than I expected.

"Woah." I struggle to keep it in my hands. "Is there metal in this thing or something?" I question, then begin placing the straps around my shoulders. They do it swiftly like they've done this a thousand times.

Tanner and Jack have already assembled themselves while I struggle to figure out which strap goes where.

I have the straps around my shoulders but I can't figure out where to connect the end of them.

Tanner chuckles and takes a step towards me, moving a few of the pieces into different places. What is supposed to be around my waist is around my shoulder. Soon enough, I'm ready for whatever we're doing, I'm still not sure.

"Ready?" Jack questions when Tanner buckles the last piece of my backpack together.

Tanner nods and the two of them turn towards the back wall, which I don't even realize has an elevator. Nothing here is lit up, I have about a four foot radius that I can see, other than that, everything is pitch black.

The elevator makes a loud, ear straining dinging sound and I cover my ears. Tanner and Jack don't seem bothered, of course. The only reason I don't tell them that I'm opting out is because I didn't know my way home.

Maybe I'm also just a little curious about what the bunjee roof is. That could also be a factor in my presence in the dark elevator.

There are three mirrors on each wall in the elevator. I never really looked at myself, but I don't really recognize the person I'm looking at in the mirror. She has long blonde hair, sleek and straight instead of wavy. Her eyes aren't brown, they're redish.

I grin slightly so that I don't look so serious.

Her height is taller than I remember and her jawline is much more defined. Her cheeks that were always chubby as a kid are thinner now. She grew up so quickly.

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