Chapter Seventeen

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"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Brooke insists

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"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Brooke insists.

I look at her with disbelief in my eyes. She glares back at me puzzled, as if she can't read my expression. Or she's just trying to ignore it. "Every single time you have said that to me, it has never been fun."

Her mouth opens in shock when I say this. "What? Name *one time where that has happened."

I sigh. "Just one? Maybe when you convinced me to help donate canned food for the church! Guess what happened when we did that?"

Her expression relaxes, all of the excitement in her face disappears. She looks like she's been stabbed or something. "I'm sorry Julia, I try not to blame myself-"

"Stop." I interrupt her. "I'm sorry. It's nobody's fault that we died except for those stupid boys that lit the church on fire. Don't think for a second that you're to blame. I just don't see the point in going to this place just to experience an enhanced dream."

Tanner looks at me, confused. "It's not an 'enhanced dream', it puts you in a relaxed mental state and you can control your dream, like lucid dreaming. It feels like you're actually in your dream, or so I've heard." He smiles at me. "C'mon, we didn't walk all the way over here for nothing."

I sigh in frustration. I don't have the courage to tell them that I'm actually nervous to do this. It sounds pretty cool, but I don't trust that my mind won't wander to a horrible place and I would dream about something horrible. I can't take any more trauma, death is already enough.

"Fine. You owe me." I point at Brooke and walk past her into the science building. I have never heard of it before today; apparently it consists of museums and astrology type things. And what we came here to do of course, the lucid dreaming thing.

As I pass through the doors, Jack leans into me. "It's not that bad, if you don't want to do it, just keep the emergency button in your hand."

"Thank you." I whisper back. At least somebody has some empathy for me.

The entire building is dark so far. There's a front desk visible as soon as we walk inside with signs that hover over it. There's nobody at the desk, which gives me an eerie feeling.

To the right is the museum, which I heard from Tanner is huge. Straight ahead is a thin hallway full of curtains on both walls in place of doors, where we have to go.

"Does nobody run these things?" I ask as Tanner and Brooke carelessly walk down the hallway.

"Nope, it's all machine run." Tanner replies. "Now pick a room."

I sigh. That makes things so much worse. "Wait, I don't know what I'm doing."

"Me neither." Brooke replies. Tanner pushes through the curtains I was standing next to and Jack walks over to assist Brooke.

City of the Fallen - uneditedWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu