Chapter Twelve

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This is the last time I would have to stare at the plain walls while I wonder if I'm even dead

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This is the last time I would have to stare at the plain walls while I wonder if I'm even dead. I wonder where I am, what my purpose is here. When you're alive, you know your ending. You know you're going to die eventually, but here... I know nothing.

Knowing nothing can be either a good or bad thing, and I don't want to know which one it is because sometimes ignorance is better than knowledge. I'd rather stay ignorant to any evil than know about it and live in pain.

Jack reminded me to meet him at the station last night but I had the feeling that he wouldn't be there for some reason. Maybe I'm just nervous.

I'm not used to waking up so early, it's still dark outside.

Stacy helps me move my last box outside, which is extremely heavy. The halls are completely empty and silent, every small movement I make creates a sound.

"Well, I think you're all set, Julia." Stacy says, "Is there anything else you need from me before we head over to the train?"

I pause for a moment, wondering if Stacy is the right person to ask a deep question like the one that had been lingering in my mind.

I've been wanting to ask her for a while now and this might be my last chance. "I just have a question, but I don't know if you'll know the answer." I tell her and she nods. "Where are we? Why do we see the sun if we're so high in the air? Are we floating above Earth?" I ask, nervous to hear the answer.

Stacy laughs. "It's called the Afterworld for a reason. You're in an entirely different world. It looks as if there are stars and a sun but they're just artificial to make the people here feel more normal and oriented."

That isn't the answer I was expecting. So I'm worried about falling off of the cloud for nothing? What's below the endless sky that I look at from Tanner's window? Why did the clouds start to rise to form a storm if there's nothing below us? Maybe the storm was artificial too.

"But if you fall off of the edge, where do you fall?" I ask her.

"You'd eventually fall down to earth, but it would take many hours for you to reach it. That's why fallen angels exist. They're very rare." She explains while pushing the boxes against the wall.

"Cool. I think I'm ready then." I smile and turn back to look in my empty room that looks much bigger now that there's nothing in it.

"Perfect. It's a little bit of a journey over to the station, but it won't be so bad. It looks like we'll arrive a few minutes early." She glances at her clipboard and I follow her out of the dorm that I would never see again.

It wasn't even that cool anyway.

Stacy and I hardly speak to each other on the way to the station but I'm not mad about it because I am so tired. Instead of taking a right outside of the dorm, we go left and walk down a long sidewalk that leads to a small building. The building is lined with dirt and vines as if it were an ancient fossil or something. I can tell it's dark inside by just looking through the window.

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