55. James Potter.

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That evening Y/n sat in the dark corner of the Family Tree room. She often situated herself in there. Something about the room, scratched at her brain, but for the life of her she couldn't figure it out.

She also found it beneficial to have some time away from George. She didn't want to grow too dependant on him, and she'd always been very conscious that Fred and George didnt get as much alone time because of her.
So every now and then she'd take herself off into a quiet little corner and just be by herself. But it was far nicer than it sounds, y/n enjoyed her own company.

She traced her slender fingers across the faces of the wall. Each of them told a different story. All be it on the most part a gruesome or horrific story. But given the family that didnt come as surprise.

Y/n often sat in the same specific corner. Draco Malfoy, his parents and then Sirius and his siblings and cousins. Including Bellatrix Black. There was something about that woman, something so very sinister.

"Mind if I join you?" Harry's voice asked from the doorway.

"Of course." Y/n patted the space of floor next to her.

"George said I'd find you here." Harry said as he sat down next to her in the corner.

"Is he allright?"

"Yeah, he's with Fred."

Y/n smiled to herself.

"So what is it you do in here?" Asked Harry.

"Just sit" awnsered Y/n.

"How come you're sitting in the corner of the Malfoys?" Harry asked with obvious distain.

Y/n just shrugged, "I don't think he's as awful as you say he is."

Harry looked at her in shock "You're joking right? He's a git."

"Oh he's definatley a git, that's putting it nicely...but I 'dunno, I don't think he's a bad person."

"Whatever you say." Shrugged Harry "but I don't like him."

"You alright in here darling?" Said Sirius "oh Harry, what are you doing down here?"

"Just wanted some company." He said.

"What about Hermione and Ron?" Asked Y/n.

"Company who doesn't ask questions." He reiterated.

"Hmm I am quite good at that." Nodded y/n.

Sirius chuckled lightly at the young witch "I hate to be that guy, but I'm not quite as good as Y/n with the whole question asking thing." He made his way into the room and stood next to the pair "im quite inquisitive by nature, so I have to ask...what is it thats bothering you lad?"

Harry shook his head "its nothing important."

"Everythings important in its own way..." Y/n said airily, not looking away from the tapestry on the walls.

"She's right you know."

Harry continued trying to brush it off "really its nothing guys."

"Would you like me to go, so you two can talk in private?" Offered Y/n.

"No no." He grabbed her arm lightly "please stay."

"Harry is it something that happened in your lessons with Snivel- with Snape i mean."

Harry nodded awkwardly "Yeah i guess. Its not just that, its sort of everything but I did see something."

"What did you see?" Encouraged Sirius.

"I saw one of Snapes memories. It was my dad."

Sirius's eyes widened at the mention of James. His demeanour begging Harry to continue.

"He was a bully." Harry said plainly "I thought he was a great man, but he was just cruel."

"Your father was a brillaint man Harry." Sirius asserted "dont you ever doubt that. Sure he was foolish and did some stupid things, but I'll go as far to say that his actions towards Severus were justified."

"How can you say that he-"

"Are you really going to judge your father this harshly, based of a five minute memory you saw from a man who despises you and your dad. Of course the memory is going to be biast."

"But Sirius it was a memory not an opinion. Surely whatever Harry saw...actually happened." Added Y/n.

"Well yes it did happen. James was cruel to Snape, we all were infact. But he wasn't any better."

"You sound awfully immature Sirius." Condemned Y/n.

Sirius sighed "I love your father deeply." He spoke to Harry, "He was more than a friend to me, he was like family. But I won't deny that through out school he was an obnoxious youth... with a love for showing off and exceptional self-confidence that some might say bordered on arrogance."

Y/n smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" Asked Harry.

"It takes alot to admit that about someone dear to you."

"Thankyou." Sirius smiled "Also Harry you've got to remember that no ones perfect. But you're dad was a damn sight closer to it than Snape will ever be. And I stand by that."

"Yeah I guess." Said Harry "its not just that though."

"You can tell us you know...we won't wont say anything to anyone."

Harry stood up from the floor "w-what if after everything that's happened to me." He began nervously "what if im bad. I mean there's got to be a reason for this connection between me and Voldermort."

"Harry you're not-"

"No stop. There's something else...when I saw Mr Weasley get attacked...I-i was the snake." Harry trembled

Sirius stood straighter. Looking at Harry curiously.

"And there's these moments where I want to...where I'm just..." he sighed "im just so angry all the time. And what if the reason for this connection between me and Voldermort is that I'm becoming more like him. What if there's no going back? What if its too late?"

Sirius went to awnser but Y/n stood up from her corner.

"I think I might have something to add if it's allright?"

"Of course." Nodded Harry, keen for his friends advice.

"Harry i know i don't understand what's going on inside your head but for what it's worth, I don't think its ever too late to be whoever you want to be. As your friend i hope you live a life you're proud of, and if you find that you're not...I know you have the strength to fix it."

Sirius smiled at Y/n proudly "Harry i want you to listen to us. You are not a bad person. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and you...well you have darkness in your past that others can barely fathom. But that doesn't make you evil. Besides the world isn't split into good people and DeathEaters. We all have good and bad in us, its what we choose to act on that defines us."

Harry nodded, breathing heavier than usual, trying his best to trust them.

Sirius hugged Harry tightly "Once this is all over we'll be a proper family. You'll see."

Y/n smiled brightly at the sight. Both Sirius and Harry deserved the best from life, and she truly hoped that one day...they'd find it.

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