"I want your money. And if I have you, fuck you. But now with a little more spice. Drugging you last time wasn't the best idea, but he wanted it." He? Who's he? He chuckles, as he remembers something. "Can't I just give you some, and you leave me alone?" I ask, maybe this will work. He's stupid, so I'm mixing the questions, maybe I can catch him off guard and he reveals something significant. "Oh no, babygirl. It's a whole package kind of deal for me." And he leers at me, and I shudder. 

The car stops, and he motions for me to open the door with the gun. I do, stalling doesn't help me now. He pushes me harshly, and I stumble, and he keeps pushing. Through a door, down a hallway, into a small room, with a mattress on the floor, caked in blood. And the tears come again, as I think about what she has gone through, all because of me. He gives one last shove and I fall on my hands and knees. The door closes and I'm alone. I crawl to a corner and hug my knees to my chest. Fuck how do I get out of here? What will he do next? Will he feed me? Or starve? Dehydration? 

'Yoongi?' I try, and wait. The drive wasn't that long, so I'm probably really close to Seoul. 'Y/n? Are you okay?' And the worry is so thick, I'm a little overwhelmed. 'Relax, I'm fine. As I said he wants my money so he needs me. Did you get her to the hospital?' I wait, and the nerves multiply as I think about all the injuries she might have. 'Namjoon and Jin took her. She will be fine. How can I help? Where are you? Can I send the police somewhere?' I chuckle, always wanting to be my hero, but he already is just as he is. 

'I'm sorry. I don't know where I am. I'm in a small room. That's it. A door, a hallway and this room.' Suddenly I hear voices and I look up. There's a vent and it connects to the room next door. And I hear people talking and they get louder. I hear Luke, and then a second voice, and I recognize it, and it doesn't surprise me. The third voice however does. Really? I hold my breath as I listen. But it tells me nothing. But, then after 5 minutes of nonsense, finally. 

"So did you get her credit cards? I want to go shopping." The second voice says. Typical. I get kidnapped because she wants to go shopping. She could have asked me, but no, right to the kidnapping. "We're not going shopping. We need the money for other things. No clothes." The third voice says. The second whines, but then I hear Luke, "I get the money. I wanted it first." 

And they start bickering. All just children, and they managed to kidnap me. How ridiculous. Finally it falls silent, and moments later, Luke comes in, gun in hand, pointing it at me. "Credit cards please?" I sigh, I'm not really dressed and did he really think I have them on me. He so stupid, "does it look like I have them with me?" I ask. He looks me up and down, and then gets angry. Now it gets dangerous, and I slowly stand up. I'm not going to die sitting down. He steps closer and grabs my arm in a vice. It hurts but trying to pull free will hurt more, and probably anger him more. I let him pull me to the car and he gets in, after pushing me. He sends a text, and moments later a hooded figure gets in and starts the car. 

Okay where are we going. I patiently wait and let him fume. 'Yoongi? I believe we're on our way back. He wants my credit cards. Get the police, or body guards.' I send him. It stays silent, he's probably arranging it right away. I hope I'm right. And I hope I'm not too late telling him. What if I am? The car slows down and he gets out and pulls me with him, the gun still pointed at me. 

He bangs on the door with the gun, and it is open in seconds. Yoongi is standing, holding the door. Glaring at Luke. It's like he doesn't see me at all. I see the others, all grouped together. Luke pushes me in with the gun digging in my back as he holds my arm with the other. He's left handed so the gun is aimed directly at my heart. Better do as he says. I lead him to my room, and give him the cards. If I'm correct, Yoongi canceled them. He pushes me back to the door, and still no police or anything. 

Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Harem *TwoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang