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I slowly wake up, my eyes still heavy with sleep

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I slowly wake up, my eyes still heavy with sleep. The scare last night took a lot out of me and it wouldn't surprise me if a few strands of my hair have turned white. The thoughts distracting me and I think about the new look I will adopt and I really want to go back to black with purple and teal. 

Not opening my eyes I feel next to me on both sides but both spots are cold and empty. I sit up and open my eyes, looking around I'm alone in Jin's room. I get out of bed and pull the shirt I see hanging on a chair over my head. I leave his room and walk down to my room. The house feels eerily silent and I wonder where everyone is. 

Grabbing clean clothes I head to the bathroom for a shower and my morning routine. Afterwards I walk the entire house, checking every room, but I'm completely alone. I'm hungry so I get to the kitchen and prepare my breakfast. 

'Yoongi? Where are you? Weren't we supposed to go together and work on our song?' I sent as I slowly empty my bowl with yogurt and fruit. By the time I get a reply my bowl is empty and I have it loaded into the dishwasher. 

'I'm so sorry, Love. But Hoseok insisted on extra practice. He practically dragged all of us out of the house. Raincheck?' Figures he would sabotage it like this. I never thought he would do that. I quietly grumble to myself as there is no one here to hear me. 

'Of course he did that, sneaky bastard' I sent back. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Now he wants to know what I mean. Arriving in the hallway I get my shoes and put them on. I get my coat, it's getting colder. Opening the door I step out after checking if I have everything with me that I need. 

Yong is lounging against the car and pushes off when I get closer. He opens the door and I get in. "Good morning. The company please?" I tell him. He nods, "good morning sweetie. Are you okay?" He asks, seeing my cranky face. I nod, not in the mood to explain. I'm still waiting for Yoongi. He closes the door after smiling at me and he gets a small one back. 

'What did he do?' Yoongi finally asks as the car drives away. Chul-Moo must have been in the car already. 'He punished me. I can't touch anyone for the next two days. I need my Yoongi cuddles and kisses' I whine. I pout and cross my arms but there is nobody to witness it. But feeling Yoongi grumble in my head lets me know I got my message across. 

'I'll talk to him. He can't keep MY soulmate away from me.' And I smile. I love it when he gets obsessive. I feel the car slow down, getting out once the door is opened after stopping. 

I don't wait for them and walk to the elevator. I press the button for Chun-Hei's floor. Maybe Hwan is in her office. She did tell me I should ask him instead of her. Reaching her door after 3 minutes, I knock, but get nothing back. I get my phone and text him. In the meantime I'll think I'll go up and see if dad is in his office. 

Getting back to the elevator I wait for the doors to open. The elevator is packed with the guys and as soon as Hobi sees me he presses the button for the doors to close. My mouth drops open as I watch their faces disappear behind the closing doors. I hear Yoongi whine, but it gets cut off. 

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