Chapter 16 - The Beach

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The next day Lynn put on her bikini and covered it with some cut-off shorts and a tank top and threw on some sandals. 

"Wes! Are you about ready for the beach?" she called out. 

"Yeah. 2 minutes!" he yelled back. 

She brushed her long brown hair and pulled it up into a high ponytail and smeared on some lip gloss with sunscreen in it, before heading out the door. Wes was in the hall wearing board shorts and a t-shirt, with a beach towel thrown over his shoulder. His crazy mop of brown hair standing up.

"We need to get your hair cut!" she laughed, ruffling the mop with her fingers and then poking him in the stomach. 

"Oh yeah? You wanna play that game?" he asked and she ran before he could grab her, flying down the stairs and out the door laughing. 

Wes was right behind her and right as she crossed the street he lifted her up and carried her over to the grass as she shrieked and started tickling her. 

"Okay ...... okay! I give!" she screamed and laughed until he finally let her go. 

She stood up and brushed the grass off and saw Brady, Bella and Max standing there. Brady was wearing a black t-shirt and board shorts with some sandals and those aviator sunglasses that looked so hot on him. 

They all piled in the car and Wes actually volunteered to let her have the front seat for once. Brady turned on some rap music really loud with a booming bass and they rode to the beach with the top down, the wind whipping at their faces and the warm sun shining down on them.

When they got to the beach it wasn't too packed yet which was nice. It was a perfect warm sunny day though so it would probably be busy soon. The beach had soft white sand, blue sparkling water and a beautiful view of the snow capped mountains in the background. She got out her little disposable camera that she had finally remembered to bring for once and snapped a picture of it. 


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"Wow. This beach is beautiful. I've never been here before," she told Brady.

"Really? This beach is our favorite. We've been coming here since we were little," he said, unloading the beach towels and a big boom box out of the trunk. 

"Look. This is my Dad's old boombox that he found in the attic when we moved. It takes batteries and can tune in to the local radio station so I figured I'd bring it along. At least we'll have some music," Brady told her. 

"Good idea," Lynn smiled, helping him carry a cooler of drinks and the beach towels toward the sand. 

"I brought a volleyball too so we can play some beach volleyball later," Wes said, throwing it up in the air and catching it. 

"Dope," Brady said, leading the way to a nice flat spot where he started laying out the towels and turning some music on. 

Lynn laid down on one of the towels and propped her head up on a rolled up beach towel. Brady stood on the towel next to her and peeled his t-shirt off revealing his smooth, tan chest, muscular arms and rippled stomach. His body was ridiculous she decided, sneaking a peak with the sunglasses on so he wouldn't see. His blonde hair swept across the forehead of his handsome face and he looked absolutely perfect.

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