Chapter 6 - Making the List

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"You are NOT hanging out with him at the party," Brady ordered.

She looked over at him and scrunched her eyebrows. 

"Excuse me?" she asked, surprised by how bossy he was being.  "I don't remember asking your permission."

"Look, Josh is my friend. We've played football together for years but if he even so much as looked at my sister I'd kick his a$$ into next week. He's not the kind of guy you want to go out with. Trust me." 

"WHY is he not the kind of guy I would want to go out with?" 

Brady exhaled deeply, obviously annoyed by that question. 

"Because" he whispered. "He likes to hook up with girls at parties that have been drinking and they think he really likes them but then he drops them after he gets what he wants. He's a player. It'll be safer to just hang out with me and Wes instead."

"You want me and Wes to go to the party, with you?" she asked, stunned. She figured he was way too popular to want to be seen hanging out with her and her brother at a party. They were like social lepers. She looked over and Wes looked just as surprised as she was. 

"Yeah, why not? Do you guys wanna go with me?" he shrugged, popping another fry in his mouth as if being asked to go to a party with him was no big deal. 

She thought this over. 

"I've actually never been to a real high school party before. I've only hung out with a few friends for their birthdays and stuff like that. Josh said there's gonna be alcohol there?" 

"Well yeah, of course there's gonna be alcohol there. It's a party," he laughed. 

"Hmmmm. Wes what do you think?" 

He thought about it for a second and said, "I think it sounds like fun, but Mom would NEVER let us go." 

"That's why you pretend like you're going to bed and sneak out dude. Shut and lock your bedroom door and then climb out the window. I can run over and put a ladder up to it for you if you need one," Brady offered.

"You wouldn't have to do that. We have a ledge right outside my window that leads to the part of the roof that slopes down. I can just jump down. I've done it a million times growing up. Lynn can go out my window too," Wes told him. 

"Are you sure about this Wes?" Lynn asked, feeling really nervous. "We've never snuck out before. I don't know how Mom would react." 

Wes looked over at Brady and then back at his sister and said, "Hell yeah I'm sure. Didn't Mom say she wanted us to get out of the house and live a little?" 

"Well, yeah." 

"Well that's what we're doing Lynn. You only go through high school once. Do you really want to graduate and realize you never went to a single party and missed out on all the fun?"

"Well no, but," she started to say. 

"No buts! We're going!" Wes told her and Brady smiled triumphantly. 

"I wanna go too!" Bella said excitedly. 

"Absolutely not!" Brady told her. "I'm not taking my little 15 year old sister to a wild drunken high school party."

"I'm only two years younger than you Brady! I missed kindergarten registration by like 3 days because my birthday was right after the deadline!  Technically I should be about to be a sophomore but instead I'm gonna be a Freshman in August! That's not even that far away! Please!" she begged. 

"Nope. Not happening," he said shaking his head. "Even if I wanted to take you, which I don't, this is a Juniors and Seniors only party." 

She scooted down in her seat, folded her arms and glared at him.  

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