Chapter 18 - The Pool's Open

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***** The Next Day *****

At lunch time the house phone rang and Lynn yelled, "I've got it!" as she rushed to answer it. 

"Hello?" she asked, plopping down on the couch out of breath. 

"Hey," Brady said. "What's up?" 

"Oh not much. Just cleaning house a little bit. Mom gave us a list of chores to do but I just finished. What are you up to?" 

"The pool guy just finished getting the pool all ready so we were thinking about hopping in. Do you and Wes wanna come over and swim with us?" 

"Yeah sure. We'll be over in a few. I just need to hop in the shower real quick first." 

"Ok. See you in a bit. Bye," he said before hanging up. 

She ran upstairs and told Wes that they were going to swim at Brady's and then hopped in the shower really quick to wash all the sweat off from cleaning. She met Wes by the front door with a couple of beach towels and they headed over. She rang the door bell and Bella answered with a big smile and motioned for them to come in. 

"Wow. I love what you guys have done with the place!" Lynn said, looking around at how modern and nice the house looked. Nothing like the last time she was in here talking to Mrs. Graetter when she came over to help her plant some flowers in her backyard last summer. 

"Yeah. My Dad hired a contractor to completely gut the place and remodel it," Bella told her. 

"Yeah I saw the construction trucks outside and heard all the hammering but I'd never been over to see it. It looks REALLY nice," Lynn said, following Bella out to the backyard to the pool. 

It was a large in-ground pool with a tall slide and a diving board and they had rock around it to look like it was a lake instead of a pool and there was even a hot tub. Brady was on the diving board and he bounced up high and did two full spinning sideways twists before entering the water and everyone clapped when he came back up to the surface. 

He swam over to the side of the pool and climbed up the ladder to get out, standing there dripping wet with beads of water glistening off of his chest. He ran his hands up through his wet blonde hair to get it out of his face and walked over to them. 

"Hey, glad you guys came over. It's a beautiful day and it feels like we've been waiting forever for this pool to finally be ready." 

"No problem man. Thanks for inviting us," Wes said. "That dive you just did was sick. How do you do that?" 

"I've been doing that for a few years. The trick to it is to get the best jump off the board you can and then tuck your arms in close to your body as you twist. It's not as hard as it looks." 

"Yeah right!" Bella said. "I've been trying to do it for years and I still can't get it." 

"Yeah but that's because you suck," he laughed and she pushed him into the pool with a big splash. He came back up to the surface laughing. "Come on and get in. The heater's been on in the pool since yesterday so it's not too cold. It's just right." 

Lynn took her shorts and tank top off and slowly walked down the ladder steps into the pool. She was slowly starting to feel more comfortable walking around in front of people in her bikini. Wes, Max and Bella got in too and everyone started swimming around. The pool was pretty large and the deepest end went to 12 feet where the diving board was. 

"Come on Lynn! Try diving!" Wes called out and she swam over to the ladder and got out and walked over to the diving board. She got in line behind Brady and Wes. Brady went and did another crazy sideways spinning flip and then Wes did a backflip into the water. They made it look so easy. She had dove off a diving board tons of times but she never tried doing a twisting flip into the water or somersaults.  She usually just dove in head first. She sucked up her nerves and decided to try it. 

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