Chapter 15 - Deep Conversations

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The next day Lynn got a call around noon on her cordless phone. 

"Yeah?" she answered. 

"Hey," Brady said. "What are you doing?" 

"Oh just being bored. Watching a DVD. What are you guys doing?" 

"Same. Hey I've got some good news for you," he said. 

"Oh yeah? What's that?" 

"I thought of a guy for you to go out with. All you have to do is approve and I'll go talk to him." 

"Really? What's his name?" 

"Tucker Sullivan."

"Tucker Sullivan?" she thought. She couldn't place that name. "I've never heard of him. What's he like?" 

"Tucker's a quiet guy, kind of like you. His Dad works with my Dad. He doesn't go to Brookdale High. He's going to be a senior at Pennbrook Academy, the private school. He's a good guy. He's really smart and he's really laid back and funny once you get to know him and he opens up. I think you guys would get along really well." 

"Ok. Do you have a picture of him?" 

"Yeah. I'll bring it over. I'll be there in a minute." 

"Ok sounds good," she said, hanging up and heading downstairs. She met him at the front door a couple minutes later and he was holding a picture in his hand. 

"Here you go. See what you think," he said, handing her the photo. 

She turned it over and saw a picture of Brady and Tucker together. Tucker was about the same height as Brady so he was tall. He had brown hair and blue eyes and he was actually really good looking. Not as good looking as Brady but he was definitely cute. He had nice eyes and a warm smile full of bright white straight teeth. 

She smiled and said, "Yeah. He's cute Brady. From what you've told me and looking at his picture I think you did a really good job picking somebody I would like. I want to meet him." 

"Ok. I'll talk to him and make sure he's interested and then I'll let you know." 

"Ok. Sounds good," she said with a smile as he walked away and she shut the door behind him. She laid her back against the door and smiled excitedly. She really hoped Tucker would be interested in meeting her. 

It seemed like it took forever for Brady to come back over and knock on the door. She opened it excitedly and waited for him to tell her the news. 

"Well ........ what did he say?" she asked, unable to hold in her excitement. She was getting impatient. 

Brady smiled and said, "He said yes. I drove over to his place and showed him your picture and he thought you were really pretty. I told him about you and he said you sounded nice and he wants to meet you. He wants to take you out this weekend." 

She squealed and jumped up and down with excitement. 

"Yay! Thank you Brady! You're awesome!" she said with a smile, jumping on him and giving him a big hug. 

He laughed at her reaction, "I didn't cure cancer. I just got you a date." 

"Yeah. My FIRST date ever. I'm so excited." 

"This will be your FIRST date?" he asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Oh my gosh. What am I gonna wear? What am I gonna say? ........ What if he doesn't like me?" she asked in a panic.

Brady laughed. "You are WAY overthinking this. It's just a date, not a marriage proposal." 

She exhaled deeply and said, "You're right but that doesn't make me any less nervous. I'm really freaking out." 

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