Chapter 31 - Almost Caught

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Over the next couple weeks they finished off three of the items on the summer fun list, shopping at the mall, taking a painting class, and going to a concert. The painting class ended up being hilarious because all of their paintings were SO bad afterwards but they all had fun anyway. Painting is a lot harder than it looks. Brady had started football practices with the team but he still had a lot of free time. Lynn and Brady went back and took a couple more cooking classes and the teacher was finally starting to warm up to them. He didn't threaten to kick them out of class a single time. 

The concert ended up being Post Malone and they had really great seats right up by the front of the stage. All five of them liked his music so it was the one concert they could all agree on and they all sang along and had a great time. Post Malone even touched their hands as he was walking by singing and Bella jumped up and down and screamed with excitement. She was a huge fan of his. He noticed how excited she was and he put the microphone up to her mouth and said, "What's your name?" 

"I'm Bella!" she squealed, jumping up and down again. 

"Hi Bella," he said with a smile and she was in shock. "He said my name! He actually said my name!" 

The mall trip was the most fun Lynn had ever had at the mall. Being anywhere with Brady always ended up being a good time. They visited almost every store. They tried on crazy outfits at the hippie store, ate samples of some strange Indian food, played games at the arcade, held a big floppy puppy at the pet store, drank smoothies at the froyo place and bounced on the trampoline bungee ride. That actually ended up being her favorite part. You bounce off the trampoline and you're attached to these bungee cords and you can do flips frontwards or backwards. Brady was way better at it than any of them. He made it looks so easy doing multiple spins.

Afterwards they watched a movie at the mall and Brady sat next to her and his arm kept brushing against hers and he kept giving her the side eye and smiling.  She would smile too and look away before they were caught. 

One day she was over at their house lounging by the pool next to Bella when she asked her, "What's left on our list? Have we done everything?" 

"Everything except for throwing a pool party. I'm in charge of that one and I'm doing all the planning. I'm thinking we should have it right before school starts when the summer's over. I'll call it the "End of Summer" party," Bella said with a smile. 

"Yeah. That sounds like a great idea. Do you need any help planning it?" Lynn asked.

"No I've got it. You guys have planned everything else. I want to do this one. Front seats at the Post Malone concert was the highlight of my life," she smiled. 

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. This really has been an amazing summer," Lynn said, with a smile as she watched Brady doing a spinning dive off the diving board and then get out of the pool right in front of her with water glistening off of his toned body. "Best summer of my life." 

She was glad she was wearing sunglasses so no one would see her checking him out. He gave her a little smirk and a quick wink as he walked by and she felt butterflies in her stomach and she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face. 

"I ummmm ......... need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back," she announced loud enough for him to hear. 

She got up off her lawn chair and went in the house and waited, hoping that Brady would take the hint. She smiled when she saw him coming down the cement path towards the back door and coming inside with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey," he said, with a big smile when he saw her standing there. 

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into their large pantry and shut the door and locked it behind them. They both grabbed each other at the same time and started kissing with an intense passion. He kissed her like he was dying of thirst and her kiss was his water. He was desperate for her and she felt exactly the same way about him. 

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