Chapter 13 - Jessica's Party

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"Wow. This is really delicious honey. What a nice surprise," her Mom said, taking a bite of her meatloaf. 

"Thank you. I was bored so I just decided to cook dinner. We all went to a French cooking class this morning and learned how make French crepes. They were delicious." 

"Mine wasn't delicious," Bella said. "It was a soggy mess. I couldn't even eat it." 

The neighbors were eating with them again tonight. It had become such a regular thing having them over for dinner that it felt normal, like they belonged here. 

"How did yours turn out Wes?" their Mom asked. 

"Total disaster. That's all I can say," he laughed. 

"So are you guys getting used to not having cell phones and Xbox's?" Jake asked. 

"Yeah. I bet we wouldn't have done any of the things we've done this summer if we still had our phones. I never realized how much of a distraction and time waster they are ......... Oh except for directions. I really miss having GPS. It's almost impossible using a map to get to places. We got so lost earlier trying to find our cooking class that it's a miracle we even made it," Lynn told him.

"Oh. I think you guys need a Garmin GPS in the car. I'll get you one of those. It's a little device that you can put in an address and it'll give you directions. It'll be safer that way too so you don't get lost and stranded somewhere," her Mom said. 

"Thank you. That would be awesome. Maps are just ridiculous. I don't know how you guys managed back in the day with those," Lynn laughed.

"It wasn't easy. That's for sure. We got lost a lot and you'd have to stop and ask random strangers for directions," Jake said. 

"Seriously? That's so weird. I can't even imagine!" Lynn said in shock. 

"Yeah. You guys have no idea how easy you have it." 

"Well I think we're starting to understand now." 

Her Mom and Jake started reminiscing about how things were when they were growing up and Brady leaned over and whispered, "Hey you wanna go to a party with me tonight?" 

"Where is it?" 

"It's at Jessica Weaver's house," he whispered. 

Jessica Weaver was the captain of the cheerleading team and the one he had gone to her party last weekend. 

"Umm. Yeah. I guess I'll go. What about Wes?" 

"I asked him earlier and he said he didn't feel like it this time. Looks like it's just me and you. Can you sneak out and meet me in my driveway at 9:00?"

"Yeah. Sure," she whispered.

After dinner she laid in her bed and watched a DVD for a while before getting ready for the party. She straightened her long brown hair and put on her favorite pair of blue jeans that hugged her curves and a yellow tank top that looked great with her new tan. She had been outside a lot more this summer than she usually was. Wes promised to cover for her and tell their Mom that she went to bed early if she asked and she snuck out his window. 

Brady was already in his car waiting for her so he started up the engine without the lights and very slowly crept out of the driveway. When they were far enough away he turned the headlights on. 

"So what was Jessica's party like last week?" she asked. 

"Her house is really nice and she's got a big pool in the backyard and she had a ton of food and alcohol there. Her Dad's gone for a couple weeks for business and she doesn't have a Mom so that's why she's been throwing parties. She has the house all to herself."

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