Chapter 19 - I'm In Love With Regina

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Gee thanks. Helps so much.

Anytime, fratellino.

What? What did you just call me?


Seriously?! Ugh, whatever.

I zoned in back to the conversation just as Miley had wrapped up her gossip. I turned to Jordan, wanting to talk, but then I noticed that his haze was transfixed into something.

Or maybe, someone.

I followed his line of gaze and saw that he was staring at... Alyssa?

What? Is there something on her face?

Ignoring that, I talked to him about the decathlon which was growing nearer and nearer.

Only two more weeks.


Regina POV

I groaned as the light hit my face.

Where am I? My room never lights up at dawn.

I sit upright and then remember where I am. Right... Last night with--

A groan that didn't come from me made me turn my head to my right. A mop of unruly reddish-brown hair greeted me.

Ignoring the guy, I bent to pick up my clothes which were now on each other sides of the room.

When I was nearing finished, he woke up and sat upright, looking at me with groggy eyes.

"Regina?" He mumbled.

I ignored his question, saying, "I might not be back in the headquarters until Monday. And since it's Saturday, you're in charge there."

Again ignoring the sigh that came from his lips, I exited the room and the house, heading for my car which was in the garage.

I preferred Hades over Ares any day, but I was in the mood for him.

Ares was my car, a McLaren P1 Hybrid Supercar. Custom-made and personalized by me, of course.

I got in the car and raced to my home.


🖾🖾🖾🖾🖾's POV

She left just like that again.

After a night of just the both of us, she left again, seemingly ignoring what happened the night before.

I know that she doesn't need to stay and do shit, but I can't help but feel kind of sad about it.

I like Regina, that's a fact.

But it's also a fact that she will never like me back.

I force myself to believe that it's nothing personal, because she never had a boyfriend, but only one-night stands.

But of course, it does little to my longing to be with her.

Not only do I like Regina, but I'm in love with her.

I remember giving her my first time, even if I wasn't hers. I didn't care about it. I mean, I finally had the chance to do something intimate with the girl I've been crushing on! Will we have a label now?

Turns out, she wasn't into that commitment shit.

I understand her. The Regina Luciano? A relationship? Yes, and hell froze over. Twice.

{A/N: Have I used that line? I think I've used that line. Meh.}

So, I guess I should be satisfied with what I could have right now.

Sure we only have quick sex with no strings attached, and no feelings attached too, but it may be better than nothing.

But nothing will change the fact that I'm in love with Regina.



A moment of silence for all the chapters I unpublished and the readers who were currently reading at the moment they disappeared, never to return again.

The Long Lost Mafia PrinceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon