Chapter 2

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I then said,
"But how will I get into school?! Won't I have to give them some sort of identification?"
My mom then said,
"I already have a plan for that! You will go to my school I made in my city!"
"Ohhhh I completely forget you did that around five hundred years ago! It's the one that any supernatural and even humans can go to right?"
"Yep! Times have sure changed vampires and werewolves get along now!"
I laughed and said,
"Yes you could say that. They still get in a lot of fights though but at least they aren't trying to kill each other!"
My mom chuckled and said,
"That's true and I can't believe vampires and werewolves can be together! It's not illegal anymore! If only that happened when I was born though! But at least it can happen now. I shouldn't think of the past, it will only make me feel sad!"
My dad then said,
"Yes it only took them around two thansand years after our second life began to finally see that Bloodwolfs aren't that dangerous!"
"Shhhhh, let me be happy that it finally happened!"
"See you know that I'm right!"
My mom sighed and said,
"I hate you so much!"
"No you don't! You actually love me, you can't lie to me!"
My mom glared at him and said,
"Ugggggg I wish you didn't know me so well!"
I laughed and said,
"Awwww you still are so cute together!"
Both of my parents glared at me and I said,
"What? It's true!"
My mom then said,
"So let's get back to the topic about school!"
She's totally changing the subject! YOU CAN'T TRICK ME MOM I'VE KNOWN YOU FOR A VERY VERY LONG TIME. But I guess I'll drop it for now. My dad also said,
"Good idea! So what are you going to go as?"
I said,
"What do you mean?"
"Are you going to go as a Bloodwolf or just a werewolf or a half werewolf half demon?"
"Ohhhh that's what you meant! I kinda forgot that people know a little more about demons because of what happened around a thousand years ago! I also can't believe you made all demons have red eyes just so we both don't stand out to much!"
"Well I am the Demon King so I can change some things about the demons!"
"I guess that's true but you just did it for both of us and that's so sweet!"
My mom then said,
"I agree and that's why I love my husband so much!"
I then said,
"I thought you said you hated him a couple minutes ago!"
"Shhhhh, be quiet!"
I laughed and said,
"See you know I'm right! I'll drop it for now though. To answer your question dad I think I want to go as a half demon half werewolf! I don't like hiding my horns, it feels weird and I love how they look!"
My dad said,
"That's true. But didn't you do that when you traveled the world most of the time?"
"Yes I did because some people still are scared of demons even though they know some about us!"
"That's true. There also aren't a lot of werewolves with horns! Well I did tell everyone pretty much about demons but I couldn't tell them about how demons are actually from the Underworld. I think that would be to much for them to handle knowing that and they probably will go to war with us!"
"Yep, I'm glad you weren't to stupid and decided to keep that part a secret. I also can't believe you just let demons go to the overworld around five hundred years later and you even let them go to school!"
"Well everyone pretty much knows about demons so I thought it would be totally fine if they could go there. Also after a while demons get really bored here too which is understandable. As long as they follow the rule of not telling others that we are from the Underworld I think it's fine!"
"They can't really tell them when you ordered them not to!"
"That's true but just in case I make sure to keep an eye on them."
"That's true. It's always good to be careful!"
Then my mom said,
"Times sure have changed like something else that changed was that humans finally found out that vampires existed! When they did though they were not happy!"
"Yep I remember that day very clearly!"
"Well at least they get along now and now they are even people letting them drink their blood."
My dad said,
"Well I think it helped that we found out a way to barely make it hurt. When the humans found out they refused to let the vampires near them because they were afraid that they would drink their blood. So the vampires said they would only drink criminals' blood from now on to make them feel less scared of them which worked some. Then they stopped all together being afraid of them when they found out a way to pretty much stop it from hurting when vampires drink from people."
My mom then said,
"Yes I'm really glad I finally figured out a way to do that. I hate hurting people after all! Now people actually let vampires drink for them."
I then said,
"I'm pretty sure the reason they let them do that so they can get money!"
"Yes that's most likely why but it helps a lot of people out when they don't have any way to get money!"
"I guess but I still feel bad for them!"
"Well at least you don't have to drink blood because you're a part demon! It's not fair you don't even need to eat!"
I chuckled and said,
"True but I still do eat sometimes, food does taste so good."
My mom glared at me and said,
"I still think you're lucky! Even though it barely hurts them I still feel horrible for doing it!"
"I know you do but it's not like you can change that!"
"I guess that's true but I still am wondering how the heck you don't have to drink blood when you're part demon! I am too and I still have to!"
"Maybe because I was born part demon?"
"Probably, that's the only thing that I can think of that makes sense! Well back to the topic about school since I'm the principal of the school I can get you in even without any identification."
"Okay that's good! I don't even have a birth certificate because back when I was born there was no such thing!"
"That's true!"
"I've been wondering for a while now but why did you change the city name from Silverheart to Bloodmoon?"
"Well it would be weird if the city name was the same name as your name. I didn't want you to be made fun of because you had the same name as the city! Also it's my last name and I have been the elder for thousands of years after all! It also makes sense why it's called that when vampires and werewolves do live in the city! I would have named you Silver when you were born but it would be weird if we had the same name. Then I remembered the old village name and how me and Shadow met there. I also really loved the name too and it fit you pretty well!"
"Then why did you name me Silverheart then?"
"Well you actually were born with all silver hair like my hair. When you turned one your hair turned mostly black with silver streaks in it!"
"Then why didn't you change my name?"
"Well even though your hair changed I still really loved your name and your hair still had silver in it but less."
"I guess that makes sense! Well back on topic, when can I go to school? To be honest I'm a little excited to go."
"It will take around a week for me to figure things out and notify the teachers that there will be a new student coming."
Darn it! I have to wait? Well it makes sense I guess but I'm really bored! What should I do in that time?!
"That makes sense. I guess I'll read my favorite book series for the hundredth time then!"
Mom laughed and said,
"You really like those books don't you!"
"Yep I do! I'm going to go now! Have fun talking to each other. I'm sorry if I ruined the little free time you had with each other. I know you don't have a lot of time together after all!"
My mom said,
"That's okay. It was fun talking to you and Shadow at the same time!"
"Okay, I'm glad I didn't ruin it!"
Shadow then said,
"I agree with Silver so don't worry about it!"
"Okay that's good. See you both later!"
I turned to leave but then dad asked,
"Did your magic appear yet?"
Not this question again! Can you stop asking that? I'm strong enough without any magic! I'm still super overpowered without it! I sighed and said,
"No. Can I go now?"
"Sure you can leave! I'm sorry for asking about it!"
I started to walk towards my room and my parents didn't think I could hear them so I heard my mom say,
"Why did you ask that? You know that she doesn't like how you keep asking about it!"
"I know but I'm just curious why she doesn't have magic when she is half demon and she even has red fur meaning she can use magic! We even tried teaching her how to use magic but she couldn't do it!"
"Does it really matter? She is way to strong without magic. What will happen when she can use magic?!"
"That's true and that's why I'm curious about why this is happening!"
"I am too."
As the huge door closed behind me I couldn't hear them anymore.

The Unusual School Life of Silverheart BloodmoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang