Chapter 47

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We stepped out of the portal and I looked around. I'm glad it sent us to the place we usually hang out in the woods. It's going to be easier to get back! I saw my friends look around and Cosmo said,
"Well that was so much information my head hurts! I have a question though! How the heck are we back here? Did the portal somehow know that we know this place very well?!"
I chuckled and said,
"Of course not silly! The person who opens the portal can think of some place to go and it will take you there! I was a little worried it wouldn't take us here though because the portals are acting weird. I knew I was going to be fine because I've used the portals multiple times when they started acting weird! I wasn't so sure about bringing other people into the portal with me to get back but I'm glad it worked!"
"Well that would be bad. What if a portal opened in the middle of the city?!"
"Oh I completely forgot to tell you about that. You see portals always open far from other people. I was just worried it would send us to a random place. I could easily find our way back though. I have traveled the world multiple times! The problem is it might have taken a long time to get back! You all just said that you needed to relax with everything you just heard and if we take longer then you will have less time to do that!"
"Well at least it's good that portals don't open near people. I'm also glad we didn't come out of the portal in a random place!"
"That's true!"
Ariella then said,
"There is one thing I'm confused about!"
"What is it?"
"Well Ryia is a half demon right?"
"Well she is."
"How is that possible though?! How can there be a half demon when all demons are dead and I've never seen a half demon other than Ryia and Silver? Also what about your mom?! She's a half werewolf half demon! How is that possible?!"
"You see, anyone can be turned into a demon!"
Ariella and Flynn looked shocked and Flynn then said,
"Well yes it is. Only the Demon King can turn anyone into demons though."
"Well you see if anyone found out about this I bet there would be a lot of people who would love to be a demon! People do like to live a long life after all! Then they would find out what demons actually are and that would be extremely bad!"
I saw Ariella and Flynn take deep breaths and Ariella then said,
"Well I guess that makes sense but you could have least told your friends!"
"Well I wish I could tell you but then I would have to explain why that would be bad! Back then you had no idea about what demons actually are and I couldn't really tell you that. I did explain before why I didn't tell you after all!"
"I see your point."
"That's good. I don't want you to be upset at me for not telling you before!"
Flynn then said,
"Well at least we know now. I'm curious though, why did your dad turn your mom into a demon?"
Well I can't really explain that my mom was a Bloodwolf but I can now tell them a part of what happened! I explained to them why and Flynn then said,
"Wow I didn't expect that!? I don't know if I hate the Demon King that ruled before your dad or I like him! He did do it for his son but he did force Silver to be a demon even if she didn't want to!"
"Well I guess you could think of it this way, if he didn't then I wouldn't be born!"
"That's true."
Ariella then said,
"I never would have thought that would have happened to Silver! That is a pretty crazy thing to do! But I guess in a way I'm thankful for that Demon King or we wouldn't have an amazing friend right now!"
I blushed out of embarrassment and said,
"Awww thanks. That means a lot for you to say that! I'm glad you like me as your friend!"
Cosmo then said,
"Why wouldn't we like you? You always stood up for us and be nice to us too. Why wouldn't we think of you as a great friend?!"
I blushed again and said,
"Well I'm glad you like me around even after finding out about everything about demons!"
"I also am curious how Ryia became half demon too! Is it okay if you tell us?"
Well I can't really tell them that my moms turned Ryia into a vampire to keep her alive. They still don't know my mom is a Bloodwolf after all! Instead I'll tell them that Ryia was turned into a demon to save her life.
I then said,
"Yep that's okay!"
I then explained to them what happened and Cosmo said,
"Well at least she wanted to become a demon. If she got turned into one and she didn't even want to be one that would be bad!"
Ariella then said,
"Well she seems like she's enjoying life right now which is good! I'm glad she's still happy after all she has gone though!"
Flynn also said,
"It also makes sense why Ryia is the vice principal when Silver can easily trust her with all those secrets! They have been friends for a while after all!"
I then said,
"Yep, you're right. That's pretty much the reason."
Cosmo then asked,
"How long have we been in there? I'm worried if time moves differently than the Underworld then our parents might be really worried!"
"Oh don't worry about that! A week in the Underworld is an hour here. So it might have been a couple seconds here. That talk didn't take very long after all!"
"That's true!"
Ariella then said,
"I think I want to go back home and take a cold shower if that's okay with everyone?"
I then said,
"That's totally fine. I understand how hot it is in the Underworld! What about you both, are you going to go home?"
Flynn then said,
"I think I'll do the same as Ariella. I'm going to go home."
Cosmo then said,
"Silver, can I talk to you about something before I go home?"
Oh I bet it had something to do with the magic I actually have. I then said,
"That's fine. I'll talk to you after Ariella and Flynn leave."
Ariella then said
"I guess I'll see you all later!"
"Okay see you and enjoy the bath!"
Flynn also said,
"See you both later!"
I saw them run towards their homes and when I didn't hear then anymore I said to Cosmo,
"So what do you want to talk about?"

The Unusual School Life of Silverheart BloodmoonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon