Chapter 7

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I was wondering if you were even going to talk but you didn't when I saw talking to the dragons! Why was that?!
Oh I decided it would be more fun to sleep through the whole thing so I didn't have to hear them!
I forgot you could do that!
You were the one who created me! How could you have forgotten about that?
We went over this, I have a bad memory and you rarely sleep anyways!
Why did you let me sleep anyways? I don't really need it!
I know you don't but I bet you would be bored if I went to sleep and you didn't have anyone to talk to. You also can't really do anything if I fall asleep either so you would be even more bored! At least Soul in the book could move around but you can't even do that!? You don't want to be bored right?
I guess that's right but why do you go to sleep in the first place when you don't even need to? I never really got why you did that!
I told you already it's to pass the time! I want to sleep when I'm really bored! Sometimes when I wake up, I remember what I dreamed of. It was usually way more fun than what was actually happening in real life!
That's true I guess. I would rather be asleep then feel bored! It is pretty helpful to sleep when you can sleep through talking to extremely annoying dragons!
I sighed and said,
I guess that is one way you could use your ability to sleep. Couldn't you do that whenever I talked to people?
Yes I could. Even though everyone is super annoying I have to listen to what they are saying. Knowing you, you would miss something important and I would have to tell you. You also might forget something Important too and if I was asleep who could remind you?
Then why did you sleep through with me talking with dragons?! I would think that is really important to hear!
I was already in a bad mood because I had to talk to Ryia and I didn't want to get anymore annoyed than I already was so I decided I would sleep through it!
I groaned and said,
Of course you would say that!
Soul laughed and said,
You should have guessed the reason since you have known me for a very long time!
Well you never know you could have changed.
You created me pretty much exactly like Soul and he never changed so I don't think I will either.
I guess that's true but you never know!
Surrrrrre, just keep thinking that way.
I rolled my eyes and said,
You are right I do know you very well and I can tell you're not telling me something! Does it have to do with something about why you slept while I was talking to the dragons?!
Dang it! I thought you didn't notice! I don't think you want to know why.
Yes I do!
I really don't want to tell you though! There is a reason I don't want to tell you!
To bad, I want you to tell me! If you keep refusing I could just order you to tell me. I know how much you hate it when I do that!
Yes I do because it feels very uncomfortable! Fine I'll tell you but there is a reason I don't want to! So I'm warning you it's not a good idea to tell you. Are you sure you want to know?
YES I DO! You're starting to annoy me that you keep asking that!
Soul sighed and said,
Well I tried warning you so don't blame me if you get upset! Don't come complaining to me when you see I'm right!
Yep surrrre, I totally believe you.
I can tell by the sarcasm by your voice that you don't believe me at all. You see, the other reason is that I need to sleep to save up my energy.
Why do you need to do that?
Your magic power is getting even more powerful! if I don't absorb more of your magic power you could lose control of your magic even if you aren't angry or upset! I have to sleep to get more energy to do that because it's hard if I don't have the energy to absorb more magic than normally do!
Oh....I see why you didn't want to tell me that. You know how strong my magic is and how scared I am if I lose control over it. You didn't want me to freak out because now I can't even control it with how I feel anymore!
You're taking this better than I thought you would!
Well I thought this eventually would happen so I guess you could say I prepared myself if it did. If I did freak out then my emotions would go all over the place! If that happens I might accidentally use my magic and you know how bad that would be! 
I'm actually surprised you thought this was going to happen in the future!
Hey! I can sometimes be smart.
Soul laughed and said,
I can see that. You are usually stupid though! Also the bad thing about needing to save up my energy is that I will fall asleep at random times. I don't have any control of when I do that! So just to let you know if I suddenly stop talking or you don't hear me you now know why!
Is there any way you can sleep extra time during the day when I'm not talking to someone so you don't fall asleep at random times?
Soul sighed and said,
I'm not like you and I'm actually smart. That was the first thing I tried but it didn't work. I tried multiple things already other than that and nothing worked! So I just have to deal with falling asleep at random times!
I'm going to ignore that you just called me stupid again. Well at least I now know!
I guess that's good!
I sighed and said,
Let's talk about more happy things like I can finally use the phone safely! Since I'll mostly be in the overworld I can use my phone without worrying about accidentally bringing my phone to the underworld!
Yes, you are lucky your parents are rich with how many times you melted the phone because you went to the underworld with it!
It was only two times that happened!
I think you're remembering wrong, I'm positive it was five times! After the fifth time Silver told you to not use the phone unless you stay in the overworld for a long time. I was sad when she said that because I liked seeing the phone melt because of how hot it is in the underworld.
Why do you like seeing it melt?
It looks cool and I hate that thing!
That's true it kinda looks cool but why do you hate phones?
I laughed and said,
I thought you were going to say that but I was still curious if it was going to say that or something else! Well let's get back home. I don't want Ryia to worry to much!
I think it would be great if she would! Her face would be priceless if we don't get home until really late!
Well unlike you I don't want Ryia to be worried about me! I like seeing her happy more than worried.
Ugggg fine! I can't really stop you from going anyways!
I smiled and continued to fly back home.

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