Chapter 54

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I said,
"I hate seeing you fight with the baby dragon! I don't want her to get in trouble for telling the truth. I do have magic. I just didn't want to tell you because I was scared of what you would think of me if I did!"
Edna then took deep breaths and said,
"Sorry I was surprised I didn't mean to raise my voice! Who else knows about this?"
"Well I told Cosmo that I had magic but I didn't really tell him the full truth about my magic. I just said my magic was unusual so I didn't want to tell my parents."
"So your parents don't even know?!"
"No they don't. I'm even more scared of telling them about it. I also don't want my parents to have more things to worry about!"
"I see your point but I think you should tell them about this!"
"I know but it's just hard to do. They will probably find out eventually but before that happens I don't think I will tell them!"
"It's your choice and I'm not going to force you, don't worry!"
"Thanks for trying to help! Also I'm pretty sure you already know but please don't tell my parents about this!"
"Of course I won't! Also I've been curious, why did you tell Cosmo that you had magic? You didn't even tell your parents yet!"
I sighed and explained to her why I told Cosmo and Edna said,
"I see why you told him! You wanted to show him that he wasn't alone with how he was feeling! You really are a good friend!"
Before I could say something else the baby dragon peeked over at me around Edna's foot and she said,
"I'm sorry for acting like this! I can tell you are really nice but your magic power is so overwhelming! I felt really scared and that's why I hid!"
I smiled at the dragon and said,
"It's okay little one. I know you didn't mean to upset me!"
Then the baby dragon stepped out around Edna's foot and I could finally see the dragon! The baby dragon was pretty much all dark red except for the yellowish orange eyes and around the mouth was also that color. The baby dragon said,
I already know your name so I'll tell you mine. My name is Malinda. It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too. One thing I'm confused about is I thought girl dragons always had a bright colors. Why isn't Malinda like that?"
Edna then said,
"Oh, no wonder you're confused! You see, if a dragon can sense how much magic other people have the dragon colors actually starts off as a dark color and as it gets older it becomes brighter! I'm pretty sure Malinda will be pink when she is older!"
"Oh okay that makes sense!"
I could tell Edna was thinking of something and she said,
"One thing I'm confused about is that if a dragon gets born with the power to sense how much magic someone has, the leader dragon will have the same ability! Why didn't Brenna say anything about Silverheart's magic?"
Brenna then said,
"Well why do you think I went right up to my mom? I knew she was the safest person because of all the magic power she had! I didn't say anything because when I chose mom to protect me I could see her memories. She didn't want to tell anyone so of course I wouldn't tell anyone either!"
"That makes sense!"
"Wait! I didn't know that the leader dragon could see the memories of who they chose to be their mom!"
Edna then said,
"Oh I forgot to tell you that didnt I?"
I glared at her and said,
"Of course you forgot to tell me something important again!"
"To be fair I forget that you don't know everything about dragons. I would think you would have known because of how old you are!"
Soul then said,
I really like Brenna.
Well the only reason I like her is that she was nice enough to keep your secret about your magic!
I sighed and said,
Of course thats the only reason you like her is because of me. I should have expected that!
Well I must admit she is pretty cute too! She seems to care about you as much as I care about you, which I really like.
Well at least you think something is cute. I never expected you to say that ever in my life!
Soul rolled his eyes and said,
Wait! She saw your memories right?!
Yes. She did say that. Why are you asking?
Doesn't that mean she even knows about me?!
I thought for a second and said,
Well I guess now one more person knows about you!
I have no idea how to feel about that but at least she didn't say anything!
I then said,
"I see why you forgot to tell me. I guess I'm not to mad at you. I've been wondering for a while now but where are the other younger dragons? They usually run up to me and even tackle me when they hear I'm here!"
"Oh they are taking a nap. They are pretty tired after playing with Malinda all day yesterday! She does have A LOT of energy even more than a normal baby dragon! Maybe that's because of what power she has!"
I laughed and said,
"That might be it! Well I bet they will be sad that they missed me coming over! There is no way I'm waking them up though! You never wake a sleeping dragon, that's a horrible idea!"
Edna laughed and said,
"That's very true! One other thing I should tell you about the power Malinda has. She can absorb magic power when she comes near you and when she bites any part of the body. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt!"
I then said,
"That's what I'm saying!"
Malinda smiled at me and said,
"Since I heard pretty good things from the other dragons and I saw first hand how nice you are, I'll take some magic power away. I can see why you want me to take some away after seeing how much magic power you have!"
"Thank you so much!"
Malinda started to run over but Soul then yelled at me,
I sighed and said,
Stop being so mean! I know you are just saying that just to be mean!
Stop lying Soul I'm going to let her get close to me like it or not! I thought you would be happy that she's taking some of this magic away but I guess not!
I sighed and ignored him. As Malinda got closer to me I felt a burning on my wrist and a flash of light appeared! I then saw Soul as big as me standing in front of me! Malinda stopped and she turned and rushed back and hid behind Edna's leg again! I could hear her voice shake as she said,
Soul chuckled and said,
"I was wondering if my magic power was greater than Silverhearts and I guess I know now!"
I then yelled at Soul,

The Unusual School Life of Silverheart BloodmoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora