Chapter 15

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A day later......
I was waiting on a rock when I heard Violet running to where I was. When she saw me she said,
"You're here?!"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"To be honest I thought all of this was just a dream!"
"Well I see why you thought that. I don't look normal at all. I look more like something that could be in a dream."
"I just never thought I would ever see a demon and one that even helped me. All the books I've read about demons say that they are evil but you are not at all evil!"
"Thanks for saying that. You really shouldn't believe what a lot of books say."
"You're welcome. Also that's true, most books have werewolves not very nice either! I've met a few werewolves before and they were very nice."
"So did you get back home safely?"
"Yep. A lot of people were waiting for me to come back though. I could tell by their faces they were worried. When they saw I was back they waved at me and I said loudly to them that I was okay and that I just lost track of time. When they heard me they nodded and everyone went back to their homes and closed the their doors. I didn't think it was a good idea to tell them that I got a friend. They probably would think that it would be dangerous for that person to be around me. I couldn't really tell them that you were a demon either!"
"Well thanks for not telling them."
"I told you I wouldn't!"
"I know you did. You never know though you might have accidentally said something!"
"That's true. What about you? Did your parents find out about you talking with me yesterday?"
"No they didn't but they did ask why I was gone for so long. I had to make up a lie so I said I saw something interesting and I might have lost track of time because of it. The good thing is that they believed it and didn't ask me what was so interesting."
I'm surprised they didn't ask me more questions why I was gone for so long. Time moved way quicker in the Underworld after all!
"That's good. I'm glad you didn't get in trouble because of me! I would feel bad that you saved me but then got in trouble for it."
"Well even if they did find out I don't think my parents would be angry at me for doing it. They are pretty nice. Once I explain why I told you I'm pretty positive that they will understand why I did it."
"Well that's at least good! I've been wondering for a while now but are there demons your age?"
I wonder why she's asking me that?
"Yes there is. Why did you want to know?"
"Then why aren't you friends with them? Are they mean to you?!"
"No! They are really nice to me. Actually they are way to nice, it's so annoying!"
Violet laughed and said,
"How could someone be to nice?!"
"Whatever I ask them to do things with me, they do it even if it's terrible! They should choose for themselves sometimes. Then they refuse to use my actual name which is extremely annoying!"
"What do you mean not using your name?!"
Should I tell her that I'm a princess? I don't think it's such a bad thing to tell her. It's kinda just telling her that I'm a little different from the other demons. It's not as bad as telling her that I'm immortal. Telling her that I'm a princess is nothing compared to telling her that demons live in the Underworld! I don't even think I'll tell her that! If my parents found out that I did tell her about demons living in the Underworld I think I would actually get in huge trouble!
"They only call me either my lady or princess! It's so annoying, I wish they would use my name! I asked them multiple times to use my actual name but they never listen!"
I chuckled and said,
"I didn't think you would react like that. I thought you would be surprised, not this shocked! Also you are correct that my dad is the Demon King. Why were you so surprised? It didn't take me very long to kill those bandits that came after you."
Violet took deep breaths and said,
"I know it didn't take to long but I was thinking most demons are that strong. I also thought since your parents would let you fly all around and not be near them that you wouldn't be a princess. I would think your parents would want to keep you close to them to make sure you are safe."
"I guess I see why you were so shocked. But you should have thought about the reason why my parents let me travel around in the first place. It's because they knew how strong I was! Also did you forget already that I'm immortal? There shouldn't be a good reason not to let me go if I can't even die."
"That's true. Maybe I should think through things better next time."
"Well you have a whole life ahead of you just to do that. Don't be to upset that you didn't guess, you are still are a kid after all."
"That's also true. You probably will hate it if I start to call you my lady so I won't. Also I bet you still want me to act like I normally do with you."
"Yes, I really would hate it if you did that just like the other demons did! Just act like I didn't even tell you!"
"Tell me what?"
I laughed and said,
"Yep just like that!"
I saw Violet think for a couple seconds and she said,
"I got a great idea!"
"What is it?!"
"I was thinking when you tell your parents where you are going you could say I'm just going to fly to see the violet flowers."
"Ooooo that seems like a great idea! It would be pretty funny to see their faces looking so confused!"
"I wish I could see it! You can just tell me about it later!"
"Sounds good!"
Violet looked up to see what time it was and she said,
"Wow it's already getting dark?! I guess time flies when you are having fun!"
"That's true. I had a lot of fun talking to you too."
"I think I should get going. I don't want the villagers to wait on me again!"
"Okay. Talk to you later then!"
"See you tomorrow!"
I watched as Violet ran off and smiled to myself. I'm excited to talk to her tomorrow again. It's super fun!

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