Chapter 22

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I jolted up and looked around and I saw I was back in my room. I saw Soul was next to me and he said,
Are you happy? I tried to warn you those weren't good memories but you didn't listen!
They were sad memories but I'm glad I remembered them! Also I didn't know you could show me what you were seeing in your eyes! At least I got to see Violet's final moments!
I was wondering if that would work or not but I'm glad it did. I was created off your magic so I thought you could see what I could see. I didn't know it worked until you actually started to remember your past memories! Also don't worry I froze time before you started screaming in pain. I thought you were going to remember it even if I tried to convince you not to. I didn't want your mom to worry about you after all! It would be so annoying to try to calm her down after hearing you scream in pain!
You mean I would have to calm her down while you do nothing!
Yes but I will still have to hear her annoying voice!
I sighed and said,
I'm not surprised you said that! You are off of the character Soul after all! Also I don't feel as bad creating you this way! Before I thought I could have some control of what you were going to be like but I guess I didn't even mean to create you!
Yep pretty much. That's why when you would always say what were you thinking creating me this way I would try to convince you it wasn't your fault I'm like this! You didn't even mean to create me after all!
Well at least I know now that! Also I'm glad you did what I asked you to do and pretty much sealed all my emotions. I can barely feel them!
Well I'm glad it's working! I wasn't so sure if you were just holding it in! Since I'm the one sealing your emotions I can feel what you are actually feeling right now! Let's just say I'm glad it's working!
Well I'm glad I don't feel all those emotions right now if you're saying it is like that! I still feel bad that you remembered everything about Violet before this and you couldn't even say anything to me about it! I don't know how hard it is to keep a secret alone because of you. But If I didn't have you to talk to about my magic it would be really hard to deal with everything alone!
Well I'm glad I'm here for you then! I was fine keeping that from you because I knew how sad you would be if I did tell you! Don't feel to bad! Also it helps that I don't exactly care what happened to Violet. If I did care about how Violet died I think it might have been harder.
Well at least that's good. I'm kinda glad they you are like Soul in that way of hating everyone! Other than that one time though I wish you liked people more!
Well I do like someone! I like you Silverheart!
You know what I mean!
Soul laughed and said,
Yes I do know what you mean but I do still like teasing you sometimes!
I sighed and said,
Also I bet you were embarrassed that you said you would be my friend! You lied that you only liked me because I was the one who created you!
Well that might be true but there is another reason why I couldn't tell you before!
Really? What is your excuse then?
It's a good excuse!
Surrrrre it is!
Soul rolled his eyes and said,
I had to erase your memories, remember? I couldn't really randomly say I'm your friend. Why would I say that when you weren't really upset because you forgot everything about Violet.
I guess that's true but you still could have asked to be my friend even if I didn't remember!
Oh I didn't think of that!
I don't believe you!
Well I never asked you to believe me!
I rolled my eyes and said,
Well I'm glad I now remember you telling me that you are my friend!
Soul sighed and said,
Are you sure you are feeling okay right now? I can tell the seal that made your emotions barely there has almost broken!
I smiled at Soul she said,
Don't worry I'm fine!
You know that I can feel what your actual emotions are and you are totally not fine!
Okay you caught me but what can I do about it!?
You could let yourself cry! I'll even let you hug me.
Your way to small for that though!
You forgot again that I can get bigger didn't you?
You know how bad my memory is so you already know the answer!
Soul laughed and said,
That's true!
Soul grew as big as me and I hugged him and started to cry. After a few minutes of crying I let go of him and said,
Thanks I needed that! I actually feel better after letting all the tears out!
Your welcome but that's what friends are for! I'm glad you're feeling a lot better! I can tell because I feel your emotions after all!
I took a deep breath and wiped away my tears and said,
Well if I wasn't this old I think it would effect me more but I'm way more mature than I was a while ago!
Well that's why I'm glad you remembered what happened way later than earlier! What are you going to do about your new friends after remembering what happened to Violet though?
I'm still going to be friends with them! That's what Violet would want.
Dang it! I was hoping that you would have said you wouldn't be friends with them anymore! They are extremely annoying!
I'm not surprised you said that. To bad, you can't make me not be friends with them when I have all the control!
Ugggg sometimes I wished I would have control! I would have destroyed Hopeheart with your magic by now! Everyone is so freaking annoying!
And that's why I will never lend my body to you! You would love to kill everyone!
Yep pretty much!
I rolled my eyes and said,
You can unfreeze time now. I feel pretty alright. Not perfect of course but I don't think my magic will go out of control!
Soul sighed and said,
I was enjoying the quiet and not hearing your mom talk but I guess I have to do it eventually.
Soul released the time magic. I could tell because when I looked at my watch it was moving again. I took a deep breath. I should tell my mom that I feel okay now. I don't want to worry her to much!

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