Chapter 41

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I sighed and replied to Soul,
To be honest I thought this was going to happen but I thought we had more time then this!!!
What do you mean?
I've known my parents for a very long time as you clearly know so I could tell my dad wasn't telling us everything. I was wondering what it was until I saw a pattern of who got sucked into the portals!
Really there was a pattern? I didn't notice it!
That's because you didn't really care what happened to anyone! You weren't even paying attention to the portal problem in the first place!
Soul laughed and said,
That's true! Why would I care when I hate everyone?
I rolled my eyes and said,
Do you want to know the pattern or not?
Well I would say I don't really care but maybe if I find out the pattern I could somehow make the people get pulled into the portals more!
Why do you want them to get pulled into the Underworld in the first place?!
Well if somehow they don't get found by demons in time they would burn up and die!
I groaned and said,
Of course that would be your answer! Well it's not like you can change the outcome by telling you this. You can't really go far from me after all! I noticed a higher chance of people getting pulled into the Underworld when they are near demons for a long period of time. There is a rare chance if they didn't even meet a demon before and they still somehow got pulled in. That's why it took me a while to figure out what the pattern was!
Oh that makes sense. Demons are from the Underworld after all! I would have figured it out myself after thinking about it but I don't really care soooooo...
I'm not at all surprised you said that!
Are you going to tell how you are going to deal with this or not?
I'm going to bring them to my parents, duh.
Soul rolled his eyes and said,
Stop being mean! I already know that but what are you going to do when you get there?! Won't they find out that your dad is the Demon King? You know that even though your dad knows that you don't want your friends to know he will still tell them!
I know. Dad is like mom in that way! Even if they didn't find out now they would find out later! If they are around me a lot and if my mom comes around I bet she will tell them anyway to see their reactions!
Soul chuckled and said,
Yep! Your mom loves to do that after all.
Soul laughed and said,
It was pretty funny to see!
I glared at him and said,
That might be true but it was a pain to erase their memories!
Well you didn't have to do that anyways you just chose to.
I sighed and said,
You know why I did! You know how annoying it would be if they told everyone and how different they would react to me?! Do you want people to act like those demons do to me?
Welllll you got a point there. I still think it would be interesting to see what happened if we didn't do anything to them! We could have been less bored if we didn't erase their memories!
That might be true but I would rather not risk it getting out! I would like a normal life, not a chaotic one!
Nothing normal around you happens though!
I sighed again and said,
You know what I mean!
I feel like we are never going to get to the topic of what we are going to do at this rate!
That's your problem not mine!
I rolled my eyes and said,
Whatever it's going to be a pain trying to continue like this! So I'm going to tell you instead of arguing with you! After they find out that my dad is the Demon King I bet my dad and mom will explain what is going on and then I guess we could leave!
Well isn't it safer to just erase their memories of this ever happening?
I sighed and said,
Sometimes I forget you are not as smart as the actual Soul!
Hey! That was mean!!!!
It's true though.
Okay it is but you don't have to say it!
I laughed and said,
Well I guess I'll tell you why we can't do that. Remember how I said that more people are getting pulled into the portals when they are near a demon for a long period of time?
Soul rolled his eyes and said,
I might not be as smart as the actual Soul but that doesn't mean I can't remember some things you tell me! So yes I remember!
I'm going to tell you then. I am the most powerful demon out there and my magic is the cause of the portals opening up. As a result of that I bet my friends would keep getting pulled into the portal! Then I would have to explain to them what happened over and over again! That would be extremely annoying! I bet that would annoy the heck out of you too!
Oh I see your point! Also yes it would annoy me. I hate when we sometimes have to repeat ourselves! It's so freaking annoying! I wish everyone had good memories so we don't have to do that!
Technically I would be the one telling them not you!
I know! I sometimes like annoying you too!
Soul glared at me and said,
You are so lucky you are my friend or I would give you a headache because of how annoying I would be to you!
Well I'm glad you are my friend then. Also you say you don't give me a headache but you sometimes do! You still tease me and annoy me a lot!
Well if I was exactly like Soul I would even be even annoying so you are lucky I'm not like him exactly!
I sighed and said,
That's very true. So, are there any more questions about the plan?
Nope! I can't think of anything at the moment.
I said to my friends,
"So before you burn up and die I think we should hurry over to the Demon King!"
Cosmo said,
"Well I don't want to die so that's a good idea!"
"Let's fly to get there quicker! I'll carry Flynn this time!"
Flynn then said,
"I'm fine with that. Let's hurry over!"
I picked up Flynn and we started to fly towards the castle.

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