Chapter 32

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I knocked on the door of Cosmo's house and Ariella opened the door for me. I then walked inside and looked around and saw Flynn sitting at a table. I didn't see Cosmo anywhere though so I used my sense power but didn't sense him anywhere near here! I then asked,
"Where is Cosmo?"
Ariella answered and said,
"I have no idea. He sometimes does this. He goes out for walks but we don't follow him because he sometimes wants to be alone! He has a secret spot that even we don't know where it is. We don't want to look either, sometimes you just want a secret spot that no one knows about. I have one too because sometimes I do need breaks from other people!"
"I guess that makes sense but why did he take a walk? What happened?"
"I have no idea. We were talking about what we learned in history today because it was interesting. Then after talking about a while he said he had something to do. So either he actually needed to do something or he might have gone to his secret spot. I have no idea what would make him upset though!"
Soul groaned and said,
Well that wasn't very nice calling my friends that but I guess you're right. They really don't think things through. They were literally talking about how Bloodwolfs died and he is a Bloodwolf so it probably upset him!
Like I said IDIOTS! They have known Cosmo way longer then we have and they don't even get what upsets him.
Yep pretty much!
I sighed and said to them,
"I'm going to go find him!"
They looked confused and Ariella then said,
"He's probably fine. I'm pretty sure we didn't say anything to upset him."
I glared at them and said,
"Yep surrrrre. You definitely didn't say anything that could upset him!"
Flynn then said,
"Wait! We said something that could? What is it?"
"You can think about it and try to figure it out yourselves! I'm not always going to give you the answer!"
Before they could say anything else I turned around and went out the door and closed it behind me and flew up high. I used my sense of smell to find what direction he went because he smelled pretty different from anyone else. After I headed in that direction I smelled him. I used my sense power and found him in a couple minutes. As I got closer to the ground I heard crying. Oh no! I'm glad I came to talk to him! I can tell he's really sad and he probably needs someone to talk too! Cosmo's secret spot was so pretty though! I loved how it looked! There were trees surrounding the clearing of flowers of all different kinds of colors everywhere! I landed behind him and he whipped around when he heard me land. When he saw I was there he quickly wiped his tears away and said,
"Why are you here?"
"I thought you needed someone to talk to."
"I feel pretty good though!"
"Don't lie to me! Even if you tried to hide it you were crying and I heard it too when I was flying down towards you. I won't leave until you tell me what's wrong! I can tell you need someone to talk to!"
I then said to Soul,
I thought you would be complaining by now that I'm talking to him!
Why would I?
Don't you hate everyone?!
Soul sighed and said,
You really are clueless are you? Even though you read so many books you still don't get it!"
What do you mean?!
I'm not going to tell you! You have to find that out yourself! Even though I'm your friend doesn't mean I'm going to tell you everything! Also I do sometimes love teasing you!
I groaned and said,
Of course you won't tell me!
Don't worry, you'll figure it out eventually.
I rolled my eyes and Cosmo said,
"Okay I might need someone to talk to!"
I then said,
"Sometimes Flynn and Ariella don't think things through! They didn't even know why you left even though it was pretty obvious why!
Cosmo laughed and said,
"That's very true. I think that's what's so funny about them but sometimes I wish they would think of what they are saying to other people! A lot of things they say kinda wants me to leave and come here!"
"I understand why. It's very peaceful and beautiful here! So do you want to tell me what's wrong? Is it about the history lesson today?"
"Sure I'll tell you. I do really need someone to talk to right now. Well I guess the history lesson had to do a little part of it but there are other things that are making me upset!"
"What are the other reasons then?"
"I guess what bothered me about the lesson wasn't that a lot of Bloodwolfs died but it was more like it kinda showed how dangerous Bloodwolfs are! If you think of it this way if I didn't drink any blood I would become a crazed monster! The only reason I knew I should drink blood was because my parents read books about Bloodwolfs and how they needed to!"
Good thing after the law changed my mom wrote a lot of books about Bloodwolfs!
"I see why that would bother you. But you said that was not the only reason why you were upset, what is the other reason?"
"I think a very big reason is that because I feel like no one understands me! There aren't a lot of Bloodwolfs so no one understands what I'm going through! I wish I could talk to other people about what my problems are! I can't though because they probably wouldn't understand how to help me in the first place! I tried talking to other Bloodwolfs but because of these stupid red ears they don't want to!"
"It's probably not just about the ears that bothered them. I bet after they found out you could use magic and that's when they didn't want to talk to you."
"Wait! How did you know I can use magic? I never told you!"
"Well, all red fur werewolves can use magic."
"WHAT?! There was never a book on that!"
"Oh oops. I completely forgot that's not a known fact for other people!"
Cosmo took a deep breath and said,
"As the teacher said demons do have a lot of recorded history that no one else has!"
"Yep pretty much! Flynn can use magic. Why didn't you tell your other friends?"
"I have a better question. Why didn't you tell anyone that I could use magic?!"
"It didn't seem like anyone knew and if you didn't tell anyone I respect your privacy! If you are not okay with other people knowing I would never tell other people that you could use magic! That would be extremely mean and rude!"
"That's true. I guess I'll answer your question then. I was mostly scared of what they would think of me and I bet they would worry about me too!"
"I see your point. It's the exact same reason I don't want to tell my parents that I can use magic. You see I actually understand what you are going through."
"YOU DO?!"
"Well I am the only demon like this in the whole world."
"Oh I feel bad for ranting to you about this. You actually might understand me more than anyone else here! But why did you lie to your parents? I know you said you were scared to tell them and you didn't want to worry them but don't all demons use magic?"
"Yes they do but you could say my magic is very usual. It would make my parents worry about me and they have very important jobs to do! If you want I can help you learn how to use magic?"
"Oh thanks for the offer but I have pretty good control of my fire magic after the first incident, I made sure to control it! I could accidentally hurt someone if I wasn't careful!"
"That's pretty smart. I'm glad you figured out how to do it! I'm guessing since no one knows about your magic you probably set the forest on fire didn't you?"
Cosmo chuckled and said,
"Yep pretty much! It sure startled me after seeing my hands were on fire but it didn't at all hurt! It took a couple minutes to figure out what just happened!"
"Well I would be confused if my hands suddenly caught on fire! So did talking to someone help you feel better?"
Cosmo smiled at me and said,
"It actually did. Thanks for talking to me!"
"You're welcome but you don't need to thank me when we are friends. Friends are supposed to help each other out!"
Cosmo took another deep breath and said,
"That's true! I think I want to go back and hang out with everyone else."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure. I feel better after that talk and I don't want my other friends to worry about me to much!"
"That's true. We get going then."
We flew up and headed towards Cosmo's house.

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