Chapter 27

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A couple days later.....
We were heading to Cosmo's house to hang out again after a long and boring day of school. Ariella then sighed and said,
"I'm a little sad because of what happened today!"
I then said,
"What do you mean by that? I don't remember anything bad happening!"
"You weren't listening to classes today were you?"
Cosmo laughed and said,
"I'm pretty positive she never listened to any lessons that the teacher tells us! Why would that change today?"
Ariella sighed again and said,
"That's true but I would think you would listen to your friend sometimes! You shouldn't ignore your friend!"
I rolled my eyes and said,
"I would never ignore Ryia! She is just a teacher teaching us things so I'm ignoring a teacher not my friend! Also why should I listen to lessons when I already know everything they are teaching us?"
"I guess that's true! But you should have listened to teachers sometimes! What happens if the teacher is saying something important? You would probably miss it because you weren't listening!"
I flashed a smile at her and said,
"That's what friends are for! You could tell me if something important happened! I don't want to listen to a boring class because they might say something important!"
Cosmo then asked me,
"If you already know pretty much everything in school why did you go?"
"Well my mom suggested to me that I should go because I was bored! Also I'm pretty sure she told me to go because she was bored too! She just wanted to see what happened if I went to school!"
"No one really wants to go to school so I was wondering why you went when you were so smart! I guess because you were so bored you decided to go to school."
"Back to the topic though, why are you sad Ariella?"
Ariella then said,
"Since you weren't listening I guess I'll tell you. The vice principal found a new teacher for us!"
"Why is that sad?"
"Because the vice principle is a great and nice teacher! What if the new teacher is mean?!"
"Oh I see why you are a little sad! But think it this way, I bet Ryia is busy already because she is the vice principal! It probably doesn't help that she has to teach all our classes now too!"
"Oh I see what you mean! I don't want her to be overworked because of us! She's really nice and I don't want that to happen to her!"
Soul groaned and said,
DANG IT! I want Ryia to still be our teacher.
Wait! You like her?!
Of course I don't!
Then why do you want Ryia to stay as a teacher then?!
Well there are two reasons, the first and most important reason is because I bet she's overworked and it would stress her out! I would love to see her break down because of that!
I sighed and said,
Well I thought something was fishy when you said you wanted Ryia to still be the teacher! I'm not at all surprised at what you just said! What is the second reason then?
The second reason is that even though I don't like Ryia since you are around her all the time I don't go crazy with her around! I did before don't get me wrong but after three thousand years it would be weird if I couldn't stand being near her! Now on the other hand the new teacher would probably be worse and way more annoying than her! I have no idea what the freaking teacher is like in the first place which doesn't at all help!!!
Oh I see your point. You never know though the teacher could be mean!
Well if the teacher is mean then that would be so annoying! Only I can be mean to people!
I rolled my eyes and said,
That's right I completely forgot! Soul in the book really hated it when someone showed up like him!
Well I think a nice teacher would be way worse than a mean teacher! Hopefully we get a mean teacher! Also I bet when everyone finds out that the teacher is mean their faces will be priceless!
I rolled my eyes and said,
Of course you would love to see other people suffer!
Yep! You know me so well.
I then said to them,
"I bet we will get a nice teacher after what happened to us! I bet Ryia will make sure this time the teacher is nice!"
Flynn then said,
"I hope so! I also really like the vice principal as our teacher! If our new teacher is mean I wouldn't be happy!"
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. I thought for a moment and said,
"I have been wondering for a while now but why do we only go to Cosmo's house? Couldn't we go to Flynn's or Ariella's house?"
Flynn then said,
"Oh that's right we haven't really told you about our parents! Well my parents are mostly busy because they have multiple jobs! We aren't poor but we aren't rich either. It doesn't help that they also have to pay for me to go to school! The good thing it's not very expensive to go but it still costs money! It's the same thing with Ariella's parents too! We don't want to accidentally break anything in mine or Ariella's house so we hang out in Cosmo's house!"
Oh I fell bad for them. We don't really need a lot of money anymore. We are so rich because of how much money we got over time! We are immortal after all! So, Silverheart did put down the price for children to go to school. She would have been fine without any money from them but it would be weird if she did that! So she had to make them pay money to go to the school.
I then said,
"Oh ok that makes sense! Is there anyway I can help you?"
"No that's okay! We still have a good life even if we don't see our parents more often."
I'm totally going to send them a lot of money. I don't like seeing my friends sad! I will have to ask my mom first though! I think she will be fine with it but you never know!

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